Sunday, March 31, 2019

Encomium by Patrik Vander Velden

My sister Angie and her husband Jim were meant to sail their 2 boats together until they crossed to a different shore. Patrik Vander Velden who knew them during the last 3 years of their lives, and was one of the last people to see them before they died last January within days of each other, has written a tribute to mark the one year death anniversary of these two very special souls whose lives were so intertwined. As you read his poem, please remember these two very special and very incredible people.


   Written by Patrik Vander Velden for James and Angela Cobb

James Cobb. Angela Lobo Cobb.
April 1950 - January 2018

Tall standing shadow for a body
broken like bones 
tossed from a dice shaker.
Ja, life was a battle for a strong
will with a warriors tough
skin, with brains logical, 
tactical, learning all wars
aren’t worth waging only
those worth risk of victory.

Calisthenics lifting books brought
muscle into his mind.
A thousand and one nights
of knowledge, basic
training for a scholar.
The laurel leaf, the pallium.

He being no Alexander it came to pass
that the Princess of India met him
in the middle of America.
Her elephant genuflected, she stepped
down from her palanquin, while
he offered his hand from
his wheel chair.

She listened to his proposal:
The Grand Tour of Europe, 
companionship, fidelity,
a burden, a boon.
In return she offered a dowry
of poetry, equality as a scholar, 
fidelity and food of the 
Indian Ocean.

Between Maiden Poetria and History Professor
born within days of each other
in the same month, 
same year, on separate continents 
was held a symbiosis of love.
Time is an itinerant, a wanderjahr
without a sundial. Shadows
measure length of those days
as moons wane and wax the sun
can not stop her eclipse.
Hannibal is always at the Gates
where the padlocks of 
paradise have rusted away.

From where music is wind
scratching stone into
words, come poets 
historians, lovers with
gravitas enough for
keeping their binary orbits.

Gravity held in equilibrium until
sunlight blinked, a shadow
inhaled deeply all the rosy
pink petals, while two
cinders fell
from pale fingers of Dawn


Unknown said...

Beautifully written. Encapsulates their lives in a well woven tapestry. Brings out the best in them and what they achieved. A wonderful collection of sentiments and true love. Patrik is a noteworthy poet and friend>
Betty Fernandes

Unknown said...

Very moving tribute!!! The two were truly made fro each other: "Two minds with but a single thought; two hearts that neat as one!"