Sunday, April 7, 2019

What’s one thing everyone should do in their 20’s?

  1. Contribute the maximum to your 401K and invest in IRAs
  2. Build up a 6 month emergency cushion
  3. Be sensible about expenses
  4. Resist depreciating assets such as fancy cars
  5. Keep debt and credit card usage down - pay off all balances every month
  6. Save towards a down payment for a house. If you don’t plan to buy a house, use your savings to invest in stocks in a taxable account
  7. Learn all there is to learn about taxes
  1. Explore options and do what's best - avoid breaking the bank in your choices
  2. Education is life-long; learn on the job, learn from Google, learn from friends and mentors
  3. Keep an eye out for career development opportunities
  1. Eat in moderation
  2. Exercise
  3. Get enough sleep
  4. Avoid addictive substances including prescription medicine
  5. Take Uber/Lyft if you are going to be drinking
  6. Avoid alcohol altogether if possible
  7. Avoid stress through tools like yoga, meditation, massage
  1. Avoid fights
  2. Be on time to engagements with other people
  3. Don't take advantage of, or manipulate other people
  4. Don't get into one relationship after another, causing pain to yourself or others
  5. Be a low maintenance person
  6. Write a letter to your Future Self on Future Me like I did, so you commit yourself to specific habits and activities like I did.
  1. Vote
  2. Think about your values and how you can contribute to society

1 comment:

Unknown said...

An excellent and comprehensive road map for optimal living. Welk done, minoo!