Sunday, April 21, 2019

Which of these things are not true about me?

I rejected a jingle composed by A.R. Rahman.

I wore sunglasses day and night for 3 years in my 20's.

I buy blood tests at 40% discount in an annual blood test sale held in spring.

I once walked out of a restaurant in a feminist fit and took a tonga ride home.

I go to church every Sunday.

I believe in telepathy.

I entered a disco competition and won second place.

I walked out of jobs  5 times in my life.

I have lived in the same apartment for 19 years.

At one time, I was known to say, "First love advertising, second love stocks, third love husband".

I was a vegetarian for 3 years.

The entire time I ran Purple Patch, I didn't have any of my clients sign contracts, and I didn't have any bad debts.

I did not finish college.

I check out anywhere from 10-40 books from the library.

There was a time I used to get so drunk, I had to be carried out of restaurants.

Minoo is not the name my parents christened me.

I lost 37 lbs consuming butter, cream and other fat laden foods.

I taught a 3 day Money Workshop at an elementary school.

I eat rice everyday.

I have done 24 hour fasts on 3 consecutive days.

I have worked for 14 different companies as a Commissions Analyst, counting my consultancy gigs.

I taught advertising copy at a Jesuit college.

I drink coffee with heavy whipping cream, and sometimes with butter.

I have not had health insurance since 2012.

I once took a typewriter and sat outside the high court in Bangalore to do freelance typing.

I would like to wish you all a very Happy Easter.

Answer (Everything is true, except one thing. Turn your computer upside down to read what it is)...

Happy Easter dear reader, and if you haven't read it before, please read my previous Easter post before you go - What Better Day Than Easter Sunday To Turn To The Strength Within?

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