Sunday, June 23, 2019

Funny Siri Stories - What's Yours?

The first involves a toddler.
It was told to me by a coworker.
To keep her 2 year old daughter occupied, my coworker would sometimes give her daughter her iphone to play with.
Her daughter would get absorbed watching shows and playing games on the iphone, and would not disturb her.
One day, my friend had to take a conference call from home.
Busy with her computer, she had no time for her daughter.
Her daughter was happily playing with the iphone, so she didn't disturb her mother for a while.
But suddenly, her daughter couldn't access the app she was playing on.

She had got locked out.
She came running to her mom and said, "Mummy, Mummy, I need the password to play".
My coworker shushed her daughter away, since she was busy with the conference call.

The child did the next best thing.
From across the room, my coworker could hear her daughter holding the iphone and pleading her case to Siri:
“Siri, please give me the password”
Siri….please, please help me. I need the password, Siri.
Help me Siri, please”

With Siri responding, "Which password do you want? I don't understand you." etc. 

Her child kept going, "The password to play Siri.  Don't you understand. I need the password to play, Siri."

She kept doing this until her mother came to her rescue, laughing.

Here's another from Nina - sent to me on Facebook:
I was in San Diego a few years ago; was at lunch with a friend and our meal came with pickled jicama. We'd never had it before so I asked Siri about pickling jicama and she offered some nonsensical answers and suggestions. I got really frustrated with her . . .
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  • And yet another from Nina - also sent to me on Facebook:
    Another time I was on the phone telling a friend how exhausted I was from waking up at zero dark thirty on Friday and Saturday to attend a team offsite in SF. I didn't realize I'd inadvertently turned Siri on . . .

  • Fun stories, gals....Siriously!
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