Sunday, June 2, 2019

Moonlight Baby - Minionese Edition

“Para tu”
“Para me?”
“Para tu”
“Whaat tis pik?”
“Moonlight Baby”
“Moonlight Baby?”
“Moonlight Baby”
“Hapire bida ko nos”
“No, silly,something nunu to da leto”
“To leto. Po ka?”
“Moonlight Baby Ergo Nix”
“Ergo Nix?”
“Certified Fresh. Ergo Nix”
“Banana!  Banana! Banana!”

Translation in English:

“For you”
“For me?”
“For you”
“What is it?”
“Moonlight Baby”
“Moonlight Baby?”
“Moonlight Baby”
“Doesn't look like us”
“No, silly, something to read”
“To read, Why?”
“Moonlight Baby. Certified Fresh”
“Certified Fresh?”
“Certified Fresh. Certified Fresh.”
“Banana! Banana! Banana!”

Moonlight Baby by Asma Menon.
Certified Fresh.
Or as they say in Minionese, banana! banana! banana!

Here's some background about this post: I wrote a review of Asma Menon’s Moonlight Baby, 2 posts ago. When one of my friends saw it, she asked, “Minoo, whatever happened to the Minions review you were planning to write? I was looking forward to reading that.” Yes, my original idea was a conversation in Minionese between 2 Minions, created with a help of an online Minionese translator. Since my friend was looking forward to reading it, I am publishing the original review for my friend, for fans of Minionese, and of course for everyone who didn't read the first review of the fabulous memoir written by Ms. Menon  - Moonlight Baby.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Fascinating, Minoo!