Sunday, May 26, 2019

How Do I Make A Bad Situation Work In My Favor?

“How do you make a bad situation work in your favor?”
When an upsetting or discouraging thing happens, don’t throw up your hands.
Try to think of a compassionate response or action.
This will usually work in your favor.
Here is an example from my life...
This happened at a movie theater.
I went to see the movie Winchester with a friend.
Seated next to us were 2 people, an older lady and a young man.
After the movie started, the lady would turn to her companion every few minutes and speak in a foreign language.
This was terribly distracting.
My initial thought was to turn to her and say “Could you please stop talking”, or “Do you mind moving to some other seats where we won’t be disturbed by your talking”.
But my better self prevailed.
I turned to her and said in a soft and neutral voice, “I am not able to follow the movie.”
She said, ‘Oh, I am so sorry. The person I am with doesn’t know English, so I was translating for him. I will stop.”
This was when I turned the moment into a real growth opportunity.
Moved by her predicament, I turned to her again, gave her a comforting pat on the arm, and said, “It’s okay, go ahead and translate, I think I can manage”.
And I really meant it.
She did not take me up on it.
But by recognizing her need and giving her the go head, she knew I cared about her predicament and that’s all that mattered.
This is how you make a bad situation work in your favor.
You choose a compassionate response, instead of anger, irritation, resentment, self-pity, or doubt.
Keep in mind, sometimes the compassionate response may be no response at all.
Just a cheerful acceptance!

My post, How To Live A Good Life Part 6 gives you an example.
As always, thanks for sharing my Journey to Wisdom, Meaning and a Better Life.  Like you, I am trying to find my way through this complex maze we call life, and I am honored to have you share my journey, as I continue to keep seeking wisdom which is hidden in plain sight.

Thanks for all your comments on my recent posts, and your likes, pins, shares, tweets, votes and contributions…..much appreciated….M ……a Pearl Seeker like you. 

Last but not least, Happy Birthday to all those with May birthdays.  Hope your birthday month has birthed some new and wonderful things in your life. Like new and better solutions to things which are troubling you.

Posts to help you on your journey…

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Caring...that makes all the difference! Good post, Minoo!