Sunday, December 15, 2019

Goodbye Comfort Zone

A 3 min read

Goodbye comfort zone.

How many times in your life have you said that?

When you are young, you are more willing to do it.

As you get older, you become chicken.

You get used to your little coop.

Who wants to venture out?

You may just end up getting eaten alive.

And so you don't venture out.

Even though, the opportunities are plenty.

And it just may be you will be good at something new and scary – but you are not willing to try, and you have your defences up, and your tendency to worry that you may make the wrong decision.

So even though you have a goal, you are only willing to bring a certain  level of persistence to the task of achieving it - whatever level of persistence you think is enough.

And whatever minimum level of openness to exploration you can muster.

Anything more is "too hard".

Anything more is "not worth it".

Anything more is “forget about it”.

You’d much rather do the same old things with certainty, rather than do new things with uncertainty.

And you don't try to position yourself uniquely, even though uniqueness is a much sought after quality.

New things are good things.

New things can solve multiple problems for you.

Such as boredom…restlessness…futility…

New things will bring new confidence.

Life is hard.

Life is intimidating.

And there's only one way to solve the mystery, and the discomfort, of that.

Goodbye comfort zone.

Turn the tables on life, and turn the tables on the challenges of life.

Challenge life.

Take life's challenges head on.

When life challenges you, if you sit doing nothing about it, it can drain you.

Come at that challenge with everything in your power, and the opposite is true.

You will feel invigorated.

So shake yourself out of your current routine.

Start doing things you have never done before.

Think of what you would have done when you were younger.

Venture out and make new decisions.

Make fire in the belly decisions  - like you did when you were younger.

Make bold and adventurous decisions - like you did when you were younger.

Make decisions that will expand you, and not contract you.

Such as what, Minoo?

I don't know how you currently spend your time, but I will throw out some ideas.

If it's time you learned something, like a software program (or a skill) everyone knows or uses, maybe that.

If it’s time you upped your career game - by going for a more challenging education credential, or project, or job, maybe that.

If it’s time you learned how to cook, maybe that.

If it’s time you learned to socialize differently, maybe that.

If it’s time you tackled your health issues in a more purposeful way, maybe that.

If it’s time you learned something about money and investing, maybe that.

By challenging yourself, you challenge life to give you more of what you want.

Goodbye comfort zone.

There's no better way to say goodbye to life’s boredom, frustrations, dislocations, and dissatisfactions.

Even if you don't succeed, you will be proud of yourself for being brave and bold enough, to try new things.

You were positive, you seized the day; you went out on a limb.

You didn't let the possibility of failure and humiliation intimidate you.

You said, "Goodbye comfort zone" just like you would have done when you were younger.

I say high five to that! In my mind, it's a big victory.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well said, Minoo! Truly, nothing venture, nothing gain!