Sunday, December 1, 2019

What's your Personal Definition of Success? Why it's important that it's unique for you.

All of us are unique.

One size doesn't fit all.

Not only do we have different geographical backgrounds, we come from different families and cultures.

Our genetic and environmental make up is different.

What each one of us was exposed to as children, was different.

We have had different kinds of schooling.

We've been raised in different kinds of families and homes.

We've been part of different communities and cultures.

Because we spent our childhoods doing different things, and facing different circumstances, we grew up learning different lessons.

We grew up absorbing different values.

Naturally, the options we think we have are different.

The things we are willing to do are different.

The things we are able to do are different.

We have different fears and concerns.

We have different interests and drives.

We have different goals and priorities.

Quite naturally, the challenges we feel we are up to taking on, will also be different.

For all these reasons, it's important for each of us to develop a personal definition of success.

This definition should be valid for you, and you alone.

I had a rough childhood, where I rarely got a good night's sleep, because my dad had a drinking problem and would be up all night creating scenes.

So part of my definition of success is a good night's sleep.

Your unique background, your unique education, your unique experiences and experiments, your unique circumstances, and of course your unique dreams and talents, should all figure in crafting your definition of success.

Is it that you were the only one to blaze a trail in your family?

Is it that you got through your teenage and early adult years without messing up your life?

Is it that you have been able to go with the flow, and make a living taking on different challenges?

Is it that whatever you touch, you have always made your investment of time, money, and energy pay off?

Is it that you have been able to achieve some things that are important to you, such as work flexibility, or work-life balance, or good health?

Is it that you have been able to live simply?

Is it that you have been able to go from strength to strength in your field?

Is it that you have never let a disabling illness or condition stop you from doing the things you want to do?

Is it that you have reinvented yourself through different jobs?

Is it that, no matter the life blows, you have never lost your faith in God or humankind, or yourself?

Is it that you have made some tough sacrifices you never thought you would make?

It is that you are a good friend, a good parent, a good child, or a good brother or sister?

Is it that you have never let failures and setbacks keep you down?

Is it that you have been steadily able to command more and more respect as a person?

Success to you may be succeeding in a field where you are a minority.

Success to you may be knowing you have conquered some fears or weaknesses to become a better, or stronger person.

Success to you may be dealing with a tough situation, without going to pieces, or losing your compassion.

You don't have to let other people's definitions of success determine your life.

You know who you are.

You know what you have been able to do.

Most important of all, you know what still remains to be done.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A single minded focus on success! Good post, Minoo!