Sunday, December 29, 2019

We Bid Goodbye To 2019

A 2 min read...
Every year on Dec 31, we bid goodbye to another year of our lives.
This year we bid goodbye to 2019.
Like every other year, it was a year of ups and downs.
…some unnerving things and some heartening things.
…some comforts and some discomforts.
…some joys and some sorrows.
…some victories and some losses.
…some scores and some upsets.
Every bit of what happened to us in 2019 is part of our lived experience.
Not all of it was bad.
Not all of it was good.
It was a mix of both.
The mix may have been more good than bad.
Despite our best intentions, things may not have gone as expected.
We may be smarting from some of the more humiliating events.
Or 2019 could have brought us some unexpected and terrible losses.
In years of terrible loss, we wonder why we ever made a big deal about this or that small pesky thing in previous years.
They seem so trivial now in retrospect.
Our losses awaken us to the wisdom that learning how to handle the losses life brings us, is an important part of our growth.
No matter how distressing the experience, we are called upon to handle it with patience, with acceptance, with empathy, with understanding, with an open heart, and with forgiveness.
And so we exit 2019.
Putting our regrets and losses behind us.
Accepting the things that cannot be changed.
And strengthening ourselves for what can be changed.
We need to strengthen ourselves, because like every year that came before...
...and every year that will come after…
2020 will be a mixed bag.
We can expect victories and defeats.
Gains and losses.
Consolations and frustrations.
All the ups and downs life typically serves up each year.
But we can be more than ready for that mixed bag.
By gathering the right tools and putting them in our mental bag.
Tools such as faith, patience, openness, acceptance, courage, understanding, persistence, compassion, gratitude and forgiveness.
With these in our tool bag, we can be fully equipped for 2020, whatever it brings.
Happy New Year to All of Us.

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