Sunday, January 10, 2021

Some Things Are Momentary

Some things are momentary

Some things last

What's in your present or future

May not have been in your past.


Some friendships are for a time in your life

Some friendships last

The friends in your present

May not be the friends in your future or past.


Some jobs and hobbies you do for a while

Some jobs and hobbies are forever

The jobs and hobbies that currently occupy you

May not have been in your past endeavors.


Chance brings us things

That may not have been there before

We increase our chances of new things

Every new thing we decide to explore.


Some ideas we take from our parents

Some ideas we take from what we learn, who we meet, and where we roam

Don't be surprised if the ideas in your present or past

Are not the ideas FUTURE YOU will cheerfully or happily own.


When it comes to heroes, and what you worship

Some figures and beliefs, will for a time enchant

All it takes is an incident, or new learning or growing

And then suddenly you wake up, as if from a trance.

This is the way of life and its changes

The water is continuously churning

Bubbles are being burst constantly

And new ways of thinking, living, being, and learning keep emerging.


There will be new ways of talking, acting, dressing

New ways of singing, loving, eating, communicating, and so on

We have to decide whether to adapt to the times

Or to resist reality, and run the risk of feeling isolated, bitter, and forlorn.


Nothing can be predicted

We can't tell what will last or continue to be validated

Many of the ideas and concepts we think are as solid as rock

Could fall by the wayside, and become discredited or outdated.


Yes, some things are momentary

And some things last

Remember, what's in your present or future

May not have been in your past.

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