Thursday, November 24, 2022

Truly Blessed!

I went to school to read and write

I was taught to add, subtract, multiply, and divide right

I learned to memorize subjects, staying up nights

Literature, geography, history, chemistry, biology, algebra, geometry, I had to get them down tight.

Get them down tight.


Living under the family roof, we had our troubles, but it was still a comfortable ride

Food, clothing, shelter, people to correct and protect me by my side

But then suddenly I was an adult, and it could not be denied

It was time to think for myself, provide for myself, be my own protector, corrector, and guide

It was a matter of independence, learning to do things on my own, and pride.

A matter of independence, learning to do things on my own, and pride.


Becoming a working and earning person, I suddenly found I could buy

So many different things to make me feel happy, proud, important, or high

Foods, drinks, smokes, pills, clothes, gadgets, trinkets, vacations, all sorts of things to try

And in trying all sorts of things, I soon realized

Some things were enjoyable in the moment, only to later make you regret and cry.

Enjoyable in the moment, only to later make you regret and cry.


When it came to religion, being Christian, I went to Sunday mass, and learned to pray

To listen to sermons, say the rosary, observe Christmas and Easter, try not to go astray

But the sadness and evil in the world overwhelmed me, and so I decided one day 

I would become a good person without letting God get in the way.

Without letting God get in the way.


And thus went my life, and it was not a straight line

I went this way and that, depending on how I was inclined

Accepting, rejecting, reaccepting, having to make sense of so many things over time

And now after a lifetime of lessons, my health, my lifestyle, my peace of mind, my memories, my relationships, and my reawakened spirituality, tell me I’m doing just fine.

I’m doing just fine.


Yes, family, teachers, church, friends, books, well-meaning friends, and advisors did their best

Then life took over, and did the rest

It opened doors, closed doors, dropped a ton of bricks on me, gave me important lessons and tests

And brought me to where I am today, in spite of challenges, heart-breaking losses, and missteps

Finding peace and a quiet contentment, with my current health, relationships, lifestyle, and a spiritual renaissance, for which I feel truly blessed.

Truly blessed.


Dear readers, thank you for being a part of my life, the construction of which has been going on for over a lifetime - with continuous renovations and restorations, as I learn from every experience, however joyous or devastating. As I learn from every relationship, however broken or whole. As I learn from every interaction, however expected or unexpected, however pleasing or upsetting.  Bless you all this Thanksgiving weekend!

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Let Me Be Humble

Let me be humble

Not too proud to say I'm wrong

Let me avoid labeling those who contest me

As rascals or clowns.



Let me be humble

And not fret and fume in situations

In which I am confronted

By others of different persuasion.



Let me be humble

To see other points of view

Let me be more like a sponge than a rock

So my ideas and spirit can renew.



Let me be humble

And never become livid

When others tell me what they think

Let me not scold or punish them for being candid.



Let me be humble

And not think I am always right

Let me hear the other side

Without getting uptight.



Let me be humble

Before my days are gone

It is more important to be loving

Than it is to be right or wrong.



Let me be humble

And realize for all I have said and done

I am one of 8 billion

I am just one.


Let me be humble! 

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Let Me Be Humble

Let me be humble

So my ego doesn't rise

Let me not want to strike back in anger or annoyance

And cut others down to size.



Let me be humble

And not always want to be right

Let me not through cruel or disdainful words

Cause injuries or slights.



Let me be humble

So as not to seek fame

Or to worry when someone attaches

Something negative to my name.



Let me be humble

So I can willingly serve

All kinds of people, even those who to me

Do not any goodness deserve.



Let me be humble

And admit to my mistakes

Let me not due to stubbornness

Honesty and clarity forsake.



Let me be humble

And not want only praise

Let me be open to both

Disregard and grace.



Let me be humble

And never abuse my position

Let me not be power-hungry

And disregard all but my own opinions and decisions.


Let me be humble!

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Let Me Be Humble

Let me be humble

So I can react with grace

When things are not in my favor

And don’t go my way.



Let me be humble

So when I look inside

I see thoughts clean of resentment,

Clean of jealousy and pride.



Let me be humble

So I can repent

For any wrongs I have done

With or without intent.



Let me be humble

And know when to take a step back

To celebrate and praise others

Without feeling any lack.



Let me be humble

And ascribe to grace and luck

All the good fortune in my life

Rather than hard work, choice, or pluck.



Let me be humble

And not place on a pedestal, only those who have my thoughts

Let me see this as a personal weakness

That daily must be fought.



Let me be humble

And learn to appreciate

The great variety of human beings

That populate this day and age.



Let me be humble!