Sunday, November 20, 2022

Let Me Be Humble

Let me be humble

Not too proud to say I'm wrong

Let me avoid labeling those who contest me

As rascals or clowns.



Let me be humble

And not fret and fume in situations

In which I am confronted

By others of different persuasion.



Let me be humble

To see other points of view

Let me be more like a sponge than a rock

So my ideas and spirit can renew.



Let me be humble

And never become livid

When others tell me what they think

Let me not scold or punish them for being candid.



Let me be humble

And not think I am always right

Let me hear the other side

Without getting uptight.



Let me be humble

Before my days are gone

It is more important to be loving

Than it is to be right or wrong.



Let me be humble

And realize for all I have said and done

I am one of 8 billion

I am just one.


Let me be humble! 

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