Sunday, November 13, 2022

Let Me Be Humble

Let me be humble

So my ego doesn't rise

Let me not want to strike back in anger or annoyance

And cut others down to size.



Let me be humble

And not always want to be right

Let me not through cruel or disdainful words

Cause injuries or slights.



Let me be humble

So as not to seek fame

Or to worry when someone attaches

Something negative to my name.



Let me be humble

So I can willingly serve

All kinds of people, even those who to me

Do not any goodness deserve.



Let me be humble

And admit to my mistakes

Let me not due to stubbornness

Honesty and clarity forsake.



Let me be humble

And not want only praise

Let me be open to both

Disregard and grace.



Let me be humble

And never abuse my position

Let me not be power-hungry

And disregard all but my own opinions and decisions.


Let me be humble!

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