Sunday, February 19, 2023

Competitive Fire

Competitive fire.


Be better than the self you were yesterday

Take a better you into tomorrow

Forget the past, treat today as if your last

Take a better you into tomorrow.


Competitive fire.

Aim higher and higher

Competitive fire.

Aim higher and higher.


Be better than the mom or dad you were yesterday

Be kinder, more attentive, more involved in your children's play

Be engaged, be present, make awesome memories

Make awesome memories day after day.


Competitive fire.

Aim higher and higher

Competitive fire.

Aim higher and higher.


Be better than the child you were yesterday

Be more caring, be more present, show the way

Show gratitude, show respect, show discipline, show restraint

Show it consistently, not just once in a way.


Competitive fire.

Aim higher and higher

Competitive fire.

Aim higher and higher.


Be better than the spouse or partner you were yesterday

Set an example in everything you display

A loving heart, an appreciative soul, a better listener, a willing participant

Renew the wows you made every day.


Competitive fire.

Aim higher and higher

Competitive fire.

Aim higher and higher.


Be the best human being you can be every day

Don't let your time be frittered away

Focus on the intellectual, spiritual, familial and humanitarian legacy you want to leave

And let that guide your words and actions every day.


Competitive fire.

Aim higher and higher

Competitive fire.

Aim higher and higher.


Competitive fire.

Aim higher and higher

Competitive fire.

Aim higher and higher.


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