Sunday, May 26, 2024

10 truths you should accept in life

You can’t win them all.

You will have good times, and you will have bad times.

Your life will be a mix of luck, and your own design.

A habit can become an addiction, which can take over your life, and ruin your relationships, your reputation, and your life. Abstinence may be best.

Everybody becomes a nobody, sooner or later.

Success does not equal charm.

If you are in a public role, you will be praised by some people, criticized by others.

Everyone is unique in their own way, and this uniqueness is a gift.

People who see only the differences between themselves and others, will see the similarities, once they get to know each other.

We (the human race) are still selfish, brutish, and under-evolved - in spite of our education, our reading, our knowledge, and all the technological advances which have made our lives easier, and given us the time to think.

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