Sunday, August 11, 2024

Do people tend to quit their job, if they fail to get a promotion?

If they were expecting a promotion, and failed to get it, yes.

I have seen people address the promotion issue with their managers, and succeed in getting promoted, if not immediately, then definitely, within a few months.

It never hurts to speak up.

It is important you speak up in the right way, however.

To understand the difference between speaking up the right way, and speaking up the wrong way, I recommend you read Mika Brzezinski’s book, “Know Your Value”.

When Mika, co-host of the show Morning Joe, tried to advocate for herself the first few times with her MSNBC manager, it had no effect, even a negative effect.

She was doing it the wrong way, as she explains in her book.

As soon as she she advocated for herself the right way, she was able to get “her completely unfair and unjust pay” situation corrected.

Women, in particular, are often conflicted between being demanding, and being pleasing.

There is absolutely no harm in demanding for yourself, what you deserve.

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