Sunday, April 29, 2012

Pay It Forward

A homeless man walks into a Baskin Robbins Ice-cream store and buys an ice-cream. When the cashier rings him up, he empties the coins he has collected from his pocket on the counter to count them out and pay for his ice-cream.
He counts the first dollar in coins and hands this to the cashier.
A lady customer walks in to Baskin Robbins.
She sees the man counting out his coins at the register and gives him $2 to help him pay for his ice-cream. 
The man thanks the lady gratefully and hands the $2 to the cashier.
The cashier takes the money from the man and enters the payment in the register.
The cashier gives the man back his change.
You are not going to believe what happens next...
The homeless man takes all the change from the 2 dollar bill plus all the coins he had from before the lady walked in and puts it in the cashier’s Tip Jar.

This true story happened just yesterday.  My daughter was the cashier and she and another server were the beneficiaries of the man's noble and generous tip.

Did this story touch your heart?

Who can you show kindness to today? 

Pay it Forward.


ajay said...

Good One, Minoo!

Wonder if the homeless manwas a millionaire in disguise?

Anonymous said...

The incident reminds me of Arthur Hailey's Hotel.