Saturday, April 14, 2012

It’s Called Motherhood (ICM©) -2

Somewhere along the way, in the interest of peace vs friction, truth vs lies, respect vs control, sleep vs insomnia – some of us morphed from Tiger Mom to Helicopter Mom to Hippie Mom and learned to embrace some realities, even celebrate them as a passage of life:

Here are those realities (memorialized for future times - no doubt they will provide much food for thought centuries from now):

The Jeans-With-Holes-Reality
Why would anyone want to look like they’ve had a horrible tumble off of a bike? Even pay big bucks to look like something ghastly had happened. Beats me! But hippie moms like moi have learned to live with it.

Here’s a hypothesis about the trend: Mommy taxis replaced bicycles, so kids had to find a faux way to earn their “falling off bikes” stripes. What do you think?

The Multiple-Ear-Piercings Reality
It's a good time to be in the ear piercing business. Make that body piercing business. No one stops with one piercing per ear anymore...Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! And ouch again!  Sigh!

What's behind this multiple piercings trend? A yearning to be a part of a tribe, maybe? To return to the days when the world consisted of large connected families - rather than the 1+1 or 2+2 nuclear families that we are today - each in our own little box with our patch of front yard and picket fence? What do you think?

The Different-Hair-Color-Every-6 Months Reality
Sure has messed up our bathrooms, towels and shower stalls many a time, yes mums? What’s the story here?

Here’s my hypothesis: The way our hair looks has a unique capacity to influence how we feel.  So new hair colors (and hairstyles) are our non-prescription no-insurance-needed happy pills.  If we don’t like it, we can always color it back to the way it was before, yes? What do you think? P.S. By the way, the latest trend in hair color is can read about it here.

The Music-with-Colorful-Lyrics Reality (Ranging from vividly colorful when our backs are turned– Get Back by Ludacris, to less colorful, but still very colorful, nevertheless, when our backs aren’t)

Here’s my hypothesis:  Truthfully, I don’t want to provide a hypothesis or an excuse for this, because bad language and language which degrades women gets my goat. Bugs me no end.  In fact, I try to tune out the words and listen to just the music (which I kind of like most times). But I will provide a hypothesis.  Music has always been the generational differentiator; the way we separate ourselves from our parents and individualize ourselves.  Which is why ‘THEY’ listen to KYLD 94.9 and “WE” listen to KFOG 97.7. What do you think?

Once in a way, you and your kids may meet at cross points such as Gottye’s Now You’re Just Somebody That I Used To Know; cherish those rare times when you feel you share the same musical planet as them.

Last but not least, the Connubial-Bliss-and-Babies-TV Shows Reality (aka Secret Life of the American Teenager and Teen Mom - both with an equally terrifying parent-insomnia-producing quotient of 110 on 100).

Hypothesis about this trend: I don’t know what to say about this, other than in every period in history, some one or the other has produced media (in pre-tv and pre-internet times, it would have been books) with content that made a large swath of society uncomfortable. (Think Lady Chatterly’s Lover!)

We do know the offspring will eventually grow out of all of this and join the Establishment – just like we did – maybe even with a cake from Margaret's French Bakery and a Wedgewood wedding and all!  

All I know is that for some reason, we start off in early adulthood wanting more than anything else to be different from everyone else and we then progress to wanting more than anything else to fit in with the crowd!!!!

P.S.  Thanks for reading and commiserating! If you don’t have kids, make that sympathizing!

P.S. 2:  ICM is also the acronym for what puts the food on our table.  It stands for Incentive Compensation Management, my field of work as a Commissions Analyst and Xactly Incent Configuration and Testing Consultant.

P.S. 3:  Thanks to Tanita for taking the picture of the jeans used in this post.  She clicked it with her Android phone and sent it to me via Instagram (with a stop at either Facebook or Twitter along the way).

P.S.3:  The most expensive pair of ripped and distressed jeans according to the Guiness Book of World Records : Gucci Genius Jeans - $3,134 a pop.  That was in 1998.  I am afraid to look now.


Anonymous said...

I concede your point Minoo.

PS:Please read the following:

Mohan, Sam and Rahul were at a wedding celebration together and were sharing a large room on the top of a 90 story sky scraper. After a long day of celebrations they were shocked to hear that the elevators in their hotel were out of order and they would have to climb up 80 flights of stairs to get to their room. They were thinking what to do just when Sam said to Rahul “We can do this.

Remember our new motto “Yes we can.” Mohan Said “Yes, we can. Let's talk continuously till we reach our room.” To which Sam said “We can concentrate on something interesting and climb.” Rahul agreed and suggested “I can tell jokes for 30 flights, and Sam can sing songs for 30 flights since he is so good at it, and Mohan you can tell sad stories for the rest 30 floors. And as it went, at the 30th floor, Rahul finished his jokes and Sam began to sing. At the 60th floor Sam stopped singing and Mohan began to tell sad stories. "I will tell my saddest story first," he said. Rahul and Sam tried to concentrate and listen "I left the room keys in the car!"

PS:There are three sides to any argument: your side, my side and the right side.

PS:The funny story by courtesy
A 2 thuh pou-er of 4

ajay said...

Truly a parental dilemma, Minoo.
It is our responsibility as parents to guide our kids correctly, tell them what is right and waht is wrong even at the risk of not vibing with them for a time, time and half a time!That's what God made us parents for. We wd b abdicating our responsibilities if we concurred with wierd fads which more often that not arise due to peer pressure