Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Mangalorean & The Big Words

When my daughter was younger (four or five years younger than she is now), she made the observation that Mangaloreans (yours truly included) use extra big words when they speak

So I thought it might be fun to do a “How Would a Mangalorean Say?” post (with a little bit of exaggeration here and there for added flavor).

Here goes...

Normal Person:
My kids play together while I work.
The offspring entertain each other while I attend to my business affairs.

Normal Person:
Be back soon after changing my clothes.
I will return presently in more suitable attire.

Normal Person:
Can I say something?
Can I interject with an opinion?

Normal Person:
Did you see any animals while walking?
Did you encounter any wildlife on your trails?

Normal Person:  
I have to use the bathroom.
I need to utilize the facilities.
Normal Person:
Can you help me?
Can you provide me with the necessary assistance?

Normal Person:
I am thinking of visiting India.
I am contemplating a visit to the motherland.

Normal Person:
I would like to climb Mt Everest one day.
I am desirous of scaling the heights of Mt. Everest.

Normal Person:
That was a great meal.
That was a gastronomical delight.

Normal Person:
Can I get back to you?
Can I formulate an appropriate response?

P.S. If you know someone (Mangalorean or not) who talks like that and have examples of your own to share, send them on to me  for my collection and possible future publishing on this blog...thanks.

P.S.  After publishing this post, I am afraid to attend an NCMA event. What if they throw "sannas" at me?

As always, thanks for reading and please visit again soon!


Anonymous said...

sometimes I do Minoo...I have heard a Mangalorean asking someone else-'ivaru kathe bareethara?'[Is she a writer?]
Guess who?
PS:Now you have to add one more 'A'

Anonymous said...

Wish you,Tanitha and all the readers
Happy Women's Day and A Happy Holi!!

ajay said...

Reading this makes me hungry for Mangalorean food!

Anonymous said...

Spherical sannas or tubular puttus.


Pelting sannas/puttus or preparing longest puttus/largest sannas are all for time pass.

Watch this vedio and don't comment(lol)!


Minoo Jha said...

A to the power of 4, I am terribly curious about your remark that I now have to add one more 'A'.....I am still trying to figure it out. P.S. Thanks for the You Tube link and your wishes for Holi and International Women's Day. How did you celebrate Holi?

Mr. Sachdev.....I am curious about when and where you have tasted Mangalorean food?????

Anonymous said...

Its like this Minoo-
Sometimes I speak like a Mangalorean just the way you have described in the post. And people ask me if I write books?
So, A for Author.
Got it?
PS:Watching people play with colours on TV (almost all the hindi serials showed families celebrating holi)has become my way of celebrating holi..but i enjoyed the first showers of rain after holi even though it was or a few seconds.

Minoo Jha said...

By the powers vested in me, I hereby order Party B (hereinafter referred to as A to the Power of 5) to start tweeting right away.