Saturday, March 3, 2012

Cheep Thrills! Spizella takes on Sheldon Cooper With A Bird Quiz

Spizella’s Bird Quiz
There’s an organization in Germany devoted to Donald Duck called German Organization for Non-Commercial Followers of Pure Donaldism which has had an annual convention in Stuttgart for the past 32 years...
*       True
*       False
*       Charming, but made up by Minothi

Donald Duck is the mascot of the University of Oregon:
*       True
*       False
*       Charming, but made up by Minothi

Snoopy’s favorite bird in the Beagle Scouts is...
*       Harriett
*       Conrad
*       Woodstock
*       Bill

In the movie Mary Poppins, how much do you have to pay to feed the birds and in what container is the food sold in?(Hint: the answer is contained in a song in the the movie that is reputed to be one of Walt Disney’s favorites, and in which he specifically asked for one of his retired actress friends to be cast)
*       A 1 lb canister
*      A five pence cup
*       A two pence bag
*       A two pound box

In the movie “The Party”, Peter Sellers playing Hrundi Bakshi says the words “Birdie Num Num” to whom?
*       To a macho actor who gives him such a painful handshake, Bakshi is forced to plunge his hand into an ice-pail (unaware it contains fishy-smelling caviar)
*       To the lady whose tiara his Cornish hen goes flying into
*       To the movie director he continuously interrupts by sounding a bugle
*       None of the above

In which movie is this scene recounted by somebody:
“This afternoon my neighbor placed a handful of cooked rice on the terrace of her house. A few minutes later I saw a pair of crows, a few pigeons,4-5 squirrels, a grayish brown bird(maybe a female pheasant) and a green parrot enjoying the buffet.”
*       Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
*       Mary Poppins
*       March of the Penguins
*       None of the above

In "Life With Feathers", a 1945 cartoon, a henpecked lovebird tries to commit suicide by getting a cat to eat him.  After Life with Feathers, the cat went on to star in a popular Cat and Bird cartoon series along with a little yellow bird.  Who was this little yellow bird? Thufferin' Thuccotash, if you don't get this one!
*       Daisy Duck
*       Tweety
*       The Road Runner
*       Foghorn Leghorn

Which of these is not a relative of Donald Duck?
Clan McDuck
             * Angus McDuck
* A to the Power of 4 McDuck
* Dingus McDuck
* Fergus McDuck
* Gideon McDuck (Scrooge's brother)
         * Hortense McDuck (Donald's mother)
* Hugh McDuck
* Jake McDuck
* Malcolm McDuck
* Matilda McDuck
            * Patricia from Down Under McDuck
            * Quagmire McDuck
            * Scrooge McDuck (Donald Duck's uncle)
            * Sir Bertie Bangalore Wooster Duck
* Sir Eider McDuck
            * Sir Quackly McDuck
* Sir Roast McDuck
* Sir Stuft McDuck
* Sir Swamphole McDuck

Which bird made famous both in comics and on-screen vocalizes only one sound that happens to also be the name of one of Minoo Jha’s Pinterest boards?
*       Daisy Duck
*       Captain Flint
*       The Road Runner
*       The Little Red Hen

And finally, who is featured in more posts on Minoo's blog?
*       Sheldon Cooper
*       Spizella Arborea

Answers: 1) True 2) True 3) Woodstock 4) A two pence bag 5) Hrundi Bakshi says Birdie Num Num to a caged macaw. He gets the idea from spying a bowl of bird feed marked Birdie Num Num next to the macaw's cage. 6) This could be a scene from a movie but it is not; it is a real life experience recounted to me by A to the Power of 4. 7) The bird is Tweety ( "I thought I thaw a puddy tat” 8) A to the Power of 4 Duck, Patricia from Down Under Duck and Sir Bertie Bangalore Wooster Duck  9)The Road Runner 10) Do you have to ask?

P.S. Spizella would like to thank all those who helped him achieve the milestone of being featured in 6 posts on Minoo Jha Life Strategies - beating Sheldon Cooper who is featured in only 5 posts.  A special thanks to A to the Power of 4 and Patricia from Down Under for providing input for Spizella's Cheep Thrills Bird Quiz. If you want to read all of the Spizella posts (in which Spizella expresses some very real bird concerns to Dick Costolo, the CEO of Twitter), you will find them on my Sparrow's Board on Pinterest. If you want to read all of the Sheldon Cooper posts (Spizella says he doesn't care two hoots for them and you shouldn't waste your time), you will find them on my Big Bang Theory Board on Pinterest.

P.S. 2: As always, thanks for reading and hope 2012 is going splendidly for you!


Anonymous said...

QTuHaAcNkKS qFuOaRck,

TtHeEet tLwIeVeLtY,PsOwSoTosh!



PS:Don't worry if you can't solve the first 2 lines...

psst it's 'Bird Brain' way of saying thanks.

Sir Bertie Bangalore Wooster Duck said...

Another lively piece, Minoo!

Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Can anyone throw MORE light on the title
'Sir Bertie Bangalore Wooster Duck'? know what I mean?