Sunday, September 25, 2016

Are You Ready To Meet Your Professional Destiny?

If your self-confidence is low, you are not ready to meet your professional destiny.

If your mind is full of doubts, or you have too many things on your mind, you are not ready to meet your professional destiny.

If you are mentally stuck, you are not ready to meet your professional destiny.

If you are exhausted, unfit, and your energy is at a low, you are not ready to meet your professional destiny.

If you spend only 20% of your day thinking about professional issues, and you are less than 100% focused, you are not ready to meet your professional destiny.

If your exercise, food and sleep patterns are chaotic, you are not ready to meet your professional destiny.

If due to lack of commitment, lack of self-control, or poor choices, you blow opportunities, you are not ready to meet your professional destiny.

If you have divided desires, you are not ready to meet your professional destiny.

If you are afraid to say yes to the unknown, and you are intimidated by what you do not know, you are not ready to meet your professional destiny.

If you have a chip on your shoulder, you are not ready to meet your professional destiny.

If you have a tendency to look out only for yourself, and not care about others, you are not ready to meet your professional destiny.

If you are after a title and a name, rather than doing a great job, you are not ready to meet your professional destiny.

If you are unwilling to pull up roots and move, when necessary, you are not ready to meet your professional destiny.

If you can’t handle challenges, you are not ready to meet your professional destiny.

If you are looking to make a quick buck, or looking for a quick fix, you are not ready to meet your professional destiny.

If you think it’s all over for you, you are not ready to meet your professional destiny.

If you cannot break destructive patterns, you are not ready to meet your professional destiny.

If you are bitter from a failure or loss, you are not ready to meet your professional destiny.

If you think it’s impossible to reinvent yourself, you are not ready to meet your professional destiny.

If you are unprepared to try different approaches till you succeed, you are not ready to meet your professional destiny.

If you are interested only in money, not skills capital, or reputation capital, you are not ready to meet your professional destiny.

Your professional destiny awaits you.

Prepare yourself to meet it - using the list above as a starting point.

Chip away at all the things which are holding you back. 

Don't stop till you achieve your goal and find your place. 

As always, thanks for sharing my Journey to Wisdom, Meaning and a Better Life, and have a great day and week….M ……a Pearl Seeker like you.  Thanks to Ajay for his compliments on my last post, and thanks to the rest of you for your likes, pins, shares, tweets and votes…..much appreciated. 

Here are some links to help you...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Superbly analysed Minoo!You've succinctly identfied all the stumbling blocks on the high road to success.Great post!