Sunday, February 24, 2019

The Oops and Downs of Trying to Submit My Latest Amazon Book Review

I submitted an Amazon book review for Indu Balachandran's book We'll be Right Back. The Oops and Downs of Advertising.

It was rejected.

"What the Bleep!" I said, "Rejected!"

A nasty side of me surfaced.

The side that's rash and impulsive when provoked.

I went..."That's it, Amazon.  You'll get no more business from me.  From today onwards, I will shop at Target and Walmart."

Luckily the cooler side of me prevailed - the one that knows not to shoot yourself in the foot intentionally.

Still I couldn't understand why my review of Indu Balachandran's book didn't make the cut – whatever the cut was.

"I am baffled. I wish I knew how their algorithm works," I said.

Suddenly a figure in blue appeared before me with Will Smith's face.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I am your genie.

You made a wish.

I am here to grant your wish.

Let's go."

The genie took a handkerchief out of his pocket, waved it, and it became a magic carpet.

"Hop on", he instructed me.

I hopped on. Currently, I have plantar fasciitis, so hopping is my standard mode of getting around.

The next thing I knew, we were sailing way above the highest rooftops on the magic carpet.

I held on for dear life.

"Don't worry," the genie with the Will Smith face said, "You won't fall off"

Presently, we spotted a building.

"That's it" he said, "That's where we’re going. Fasten your seat belt for descent.  Only joking!  You don't need a seat belt"

As we got closer to the building, I saw the sign on the building said "AA".

"Are you sure you heard my wish correctly?" I said.

"Yes", he said, "Amazon Algorithms".

He landed the magic carpet deftly in the spacious driveway of Amazon Algorithms.

I got off and we both headed into the lobby.

At the reception, he said to the lady, "She's here to see the Algorithms".

"Past reviews, or present reviews?" she asked.

"Both" I said, pointedly.

"Algorithm B - present reviews is not available.  Her calendar is completely booked till next year. I will get Algorithm A for you"

Presently, a cheerful older man came out and shook my hand, "Algorithm A", he said.  "Follow me to my office".

When we were in his office and seated, he said "Now what can I do for you?"

"Oh," I said squirming, "I was just wondering if we could go over some of the past book reviews I have written for Amazon."

"Sure," he said.

"Well, I wrote a review of Brenda Greene's Get the Interview Every Time: Fortune 500 Hiring Professionals' Tips for Writing Winning Resumes and Cover Letters.  What did you think of that?"

"Oh I remember it well" he said.  It was back in 2012.  I particularly liked your headline, “The Fact That You Played Guitar at Burning Man Won't. The Fact That You Have Relevant Computer Skills Will”.  Also, I liked how you laid out the 4 most important tips.  Great review".

I sat up a little straighter, enjoying the compliment.

"Oh, and what did you think of my review of How God Changes Your Brain by Andrew Newberg?"

"Oh I remember it well.  You said in that review, you learned to meditate from the book, and you said all sorts of wonderful things started happening after that.  You even had some telepathic experiences."

"That's right.  You've got a great memory," I said.

"We're Algorithms", he said.

"And tell me about my review of Feeling Good The New Mood Therapy by David Burns?" I said

"Oh, another one with a great headline – “If I Am A Good and Faithful Wife I Deserve To Be Loved" How do you come up with these great headlines?"

"I used to be an advertising copywriter," I said.

"Looks like you seem to remember all the details of all my reviews.  Fascinating"

"We're Algorithms" he repeated. "I can reel off the list of all your reviews if you like.  Do you want me to?" he said.

"Yes!," I said.

"There was a review of What Color Is Your Parachute by Richard Nelson Bolles, and a review of Socrates A Man For Our Times by Paul Johnson, and a review of Operation Al Nagreb by Ajay Sachdev, and a review of On Becoming Vegetarian by Anita Saran.  I liked how you wove the impact a Lewis Carroll story had on you into that one.  And you did another review of Ajay Sachdev's Oh Bangalore, which unfortunately, is no longer on Amazon, because the book is no longer for sale on Amazon. You did a review of Anita Saran's How To Write Fantasy and a review of her book City of Victory.  Do you remember your headline on that one?" I shook my head, at which he said, "A Clear Eye and Compassion".  And finally, there was a review of Undecided by Barbara Kelly, where your headline was "One cupcake away from going postal".

"Amazing" I said.  I wonder whether he noticed the slightly startled look on my face when he rattled off Undecided by Barbara Kelly at the end of his list.  I didn't have any memory of writing that review.

"So what did you come here for? Will that be all?" he asked.

"Oh, yes" I said, "Silly me.  I am forgetting the whole point of this visit.  I am here to find out why my review of Indu Balachandran's We'll be right back. The Oops and Downs Of Advertising was rejected.  I have never had a review rejected before."

"Unfortunately that's not my department", he said, "Current reviews are handled by Algorithm B".

"Would you be able to tell me why she rejected my review?"

"I'm afraid not" said Algorithm A.  "I don't know, and even if I knew, I would be overstepping my bounds if I told you."

"So I can only find out from Algorithm B?" I said.

"Yes, that's right."

I turned and looked at the genie with Will Smith's face.

"I wish to see Algorithm B even if her calendar is booked till next year. Can you make that happen?" 
"Let me see" said the genie, "I have to check the quotas."

He pulled out a paper and looked at it, and then said, "Nope, checked the quotas, I can grant only one wish to Copywriters turned Commission Analysts."

I was upset at hearing this. "This is terrible" I said. "I came all the way for nothing".  Then I realized I was being churlish and ungrateful for all the help Genie and Algorithm A had given me. I quickly added, "Genie, I really appreciate you bringing me here, and Algorithm A, I really appreciate the time you spent with me, and all the wonderful things you said about my past book reviews, but I am disappointed, because I hoped to find out why my book review of Indu Balachandran's We'll Be Right Back…The Oops and Downs of Advertising got rejected. I am at a loss." 

"You are not at a loss" said the genie with the Will Smith face.

"When you made your wish, I couldn't help notice you were working on your blog. You can always publish the review on your blog. You can also publish the rejection letter you received from Amazon on your blog. It's the next best thing. Indoo Baylorchandin will be happy you took the time and trouble to review her book, even if Amazon rejected it."

And so dear readers, that's the story of The Oops and Downs of Trying to Submit My Latest Amazon Book Review.

Heeding the advice of the genie who got me back home safely on the magic carpet, here's the review I wrote, followed by the rejection from Amazon.


I bought and read Don't Go Away, We'll Be Right Back and it was such a blast because it brought back memories of my past life as an advertising copywriter in India. Indu has cataloged all the oops and downs of ad agency life in India with humor and detail. I found myself squirming when my kind was described, because I was the quintessential copywriter, prickly to a fault and infamous for storming out of agencies. While Indu's book brought back memories of many embarrassing episodes of my advertising life, I can now laugh at these escapades since so much time has passed. Pick up your copy of Don't Go Away, We'll Be Right Back. It will not only trigger all kinds of crazy memories for you, but also, if anyone wants to know what your life in advertising was like in the 80s ,90s and Noughties, you will be equipped. Superb Job, Indu!

Here's what Amazon came back with (be warned, it's not quite as pithy as the 10 Commandments):

Thank you for submitting a customer review on Amazon. After carefully reviewing your submission, your review could not be posted to the website. While we appreciate your time and comments, reviews must adhere to the following guidelines:

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Sunday, February 17, 2019

A 20-Year Loan

On Feb 7, 2019, I received an email from an old family friend.

The subject of the email said "A 20-Year Loan".

I didn't communicate with this old family friend much, so receiving an email from her with a subject such as "A 20-Year Loan" made me suspicious.

My spam radar was flashing "Spam alert", "Spam alert".

I didn't open the email.

A few days later, she messaged me on Facebook Messenger.

She wanted to know if I had received her email.

So now knowing it wasn’t spam, I opened the email, curious to find out what the “20-Year Loan” was about.

I was astonished by what I read.

It wasn't about money.

I won't tell you what it was about.

I have permission from Christine (our old family friend's name is Christine) to share the email with you. I will also share the emails we exchanged after.

You will see why there was a transcendental and miraculous quality to the whole experience. The coincidence harked back to my Connected Minds experience and the genesis of my 3 Benches story.

Feb 7, 2019

Subject: A 20-Year Loan

Hello Minoo,
How are you? Still savoring the rich experiences you had on your recent trip to India? I read about it on your blog, which I read often. You write beautifully and know how to hold your readers' attention. It must have been precious for you and Christine to have one-on-one time with each other. Being back home in California must have its own pleasures too. 
How is Tanita? I met her as a little girl. By now she must be in her mid- to late twenties, right? What is she up to these days? 
At the moment, I'm working on a project to convert a small office/study in our house into a sewing space. That means clearing out bookshelves, among other things. Guess what I found while doing that? A book I borrowed from you in August 1999! It's called "Snakes and Ladders: Glimpses of Modern India" by Gita Mehta. It's  a hardcover and Mira Prabhu's name is on the side of the book. I know for sure that I borrowed it from you. Perhaps Mira gave it to you or loaned it to you. 
First of all, I would like to apologize for not returning the book to you in a timely fashion, Minoo. Any excuse I can offer is pretty lame, so I won't go down that road. However, I would like to make things right by returning the book to either you or Mira, as you see fit. If I were to mail the book I have, it would cost a bomb. However, if it is acceptable to you, I will order a copy from Amazon to be delivered to you, or if you prefer, to Mira. Please let me know to whom you would like me to send the book and the relevant address.
Thanks for lending me the book, Minoo; it was an excellent read. When I opened the book a few minutes ago, a transfer from the SF Municipal Railway fell out. It is dated August 29, 1999. 
Bye for now. Take care,

February 11, 2019

Subject: Re: A 20-Year Loan

Hello back to you Christine,
I read your email with amazement.  I pride myself on remembering anything people do not return to me.  In fact, I wish my memory was not so good when it comes to loaning people stuff.
But I have absolutely no recollection of loaning you this book.  In fact, I have absolutely no recollection of reading this book either. Maybe I did read it.
But I do recollect that Mira Prabhu visited us in the Bay Area around the same time you did.  Did you perhaps meet her at my place and did she loan you the book?
If you remember listening to a gal play the guitar at my studio apartment in San Jose, that would have been her.
Mira was a vibrant soul and had many things in common with you at the time - both of you had done silent retreats for one thing.
Some sad news about Mira.
She passed away of ovarian cancer just a little over a month ago.  Until she died, she was extremely active on Facebook, regularly posting on spiritual and other matters from her home in Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu.
When we were in our 20s, she and I used to play Scrabble together and I voiced a fantasy to her that in old age, we should live down the road from each other, so we could go to each other's houses for tea and Scrabble.
Alas, now that can never be.
Please keep the book Christine.
Even if you returned it to me, I would probably just donate it to the library.
I do read a lot, but I borrow books from the library, and have recently started downloading books on Kindle. Owning books was never my thing.
However, it is extremely sweet of you to let me know you had the book, just in case I wanted it back.
I might publish your email on my blog with my response to memory of Mira Prabhu.
What do you think?

Feb 12, 2019

Subject: Re Re A 20-Year Loan

Oh, Minoo, I am so sorry to hear that Mira has died. I met her at your place in San Jose in 1999 and remember her very well. An articulate, dynamic and independent-thinking person. She was your friend, so her death no doubt leaves a void in your heart. My condolences on your loss. I love the image of you two as old ladies playing Scrabble, drinking tea and exploring ideas. Perhaps in another life, if there is one.
I know for sure that I borrowed the book from you. Perhaps Mira, having read it and found it good, suggested you read it and left it with you, then I borrowed it soon after, before you had an opportunity to read it. Well, whatever the actual case may be, I find it a bit goose-bump inducing that this connection over her book is happening so close to Mira's passing. May she rest in peace.
I checked Mira's Facebook page and read many of the comments left once news of her illness was published. She was well loved and respected. I watched a recent video of an interview with her in which she ends by saying what would constitute a good death for her. Touching.
Sure Minoo, go ahead and publish my e-mail in your blog if you like. RIP Mira.
xo Christine

This post is dedicated to Mira Prabhu. Though we last met in 1999, she made an indelible impression on my life. The Scrabble fantasy was intact when she passed away on Jan 6, 2019 - and is a testimony to the strong shared bond we had. Thanks to Christine for allowing me to publish this exchange of letters about "The 20-Year Loan" on my blog.  It gave me a precious and wonderful way to honor the memory of the vibrant, unforgettable Mira Prabhu.

Readers - you can get to know Mira Prabhu by checking out her Amazon page, where you will find all 4 of her published books, as well as all kinds of rich content - blog posts, interviews etc.  Mira was taken away from us, but not before she left a rich and wonderful legacy of spiritual and intellectual content.

Photo by Alif Caesar Rizqi Pratama on Unsplash

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Words vs Numbers

The Words , who had gathered to discuss the issue at hand, were clearly flustered.

"Discombobulated, unsettled, unnerved, agitated, ruffled, upset, bothered,  disquieted, disturbed, perturbed, disconcerted, confused, thrown off " is how Thesaurus put it.

Among the Words gathered were prominent Word luminaries such as  Action, Strategy, Thoughtful, Biography, Explanation and Analogy.

"It is ridiculous" said Exclamation.

"It is preposterous" said Emphasis.

"It is unthinkable" said Enunciate.

"We should do something about it" said Action.

"Like what?" said Curious. "With her making the career switch to a Commissions Analyst, what could we possibly do?”
 "Of all the things she could have chosen to become…a Commissions Analyst!" exclaimed Judgment…."a Commissions Analyst!"

"There should be a law against Copywriters becoming Commissions Analysts" said Legal.

"How can you go from working in so many different ad agencies...and writing the Fiesta campaign...and starting Purple crunching numbers?" said Biography, shaking her head.
"A rhetorical question" said Rhetoric.

"Calculating commissions? Sounds as dull as ditchwater to me" said Analogy.

"Apparently not to her" said Explanation.

"What on earth do Commission Analysts do?" said Clueless.

"I will have to write it out, but be warned.  Even when I do, it will make no sense to you" said Explanation.

Explanation strode to the whiteboard and wrote, "60000/500000 x 0.03"on the whiteboard.

The Words looked at what Explanation had written, open mouthed.

"Wow, don't understand it.  And don't understand what she sees in it" said Incredulous.

"What does it even mean?" said Clueless.

"Sales divided by Quota multiplied by rate.  It's a commission calculation".

"She stares at screens full of this the whole day" continued Explanation.

"We need to come up with a plan" said Strategy. "The goal is to get Minoo back into words.  I want us all to put on our thinking hats.  Let's meet again in a week with ideas.

And so they met again.

At that next and crucial meeting, some of the Words looked more excited than others.

They had the look of those who have ideas they can't wait to share.

"I have just the thing" said Eager, "Let's have Minoo kidnapped and taken back to India. Someone from her advertising past in India will be sure to offer her a job, and she will be back to being a words practitioner again."

The idea fell flat. Eager looked dejected.
"I know, I know" said Devious, "Let's have Minoo make mistakes in her work as a Commissions Analyst. Then she will have to come up with creative ways of explaining the mistakes. She will have to use words to do that."
All the other Words glared at Devious for this inappropriate suggestion.

"I was only joking" said Devious.
All the Words then turned and looked at Thoughtful.  Everyone knew Thoughtful would have an idea.

"I was thinking" said Thoughtful, "What Minoo needs is a creative pause.  A creative pause will spur her creativity.   I am willing to bet if Minoo has a creative pause, she will automatically start writing again."

"But how would we engineer a creative pause?" said Practical.
"I know, I know" said Devious, "You know how Minoo loves her telecommuting?"

"Yes," said the other Words…

"Well," said Devious, "If a boss got in the way of that, Minoo is likely to leave her job."

"And that will produce the creative pause …yes I love it"said Thoughtful.
The other Words who respected anything Thoughtful said, nodded their heads in agreement, shaking their heads Indian style. Meanwhile, Devious was as pleased as punch.  Known for joking around, he couldn't believe he had come up with the winning idea.
And so the Words put their heads together.

They plotted on planting  ideas in the ear of the boss of Minoo's direct boss - ideas that were in direct contradiction to what Minoo would like to hear.

As to why it had to be the boss of Minoo's boss, and not Minoo's boss, it was because Minoo's boss was deemed too kind to cause any inconvenience and trouble for Minoo.
The idea the Words put in the head of the boss of Minoo's boss  (and it was while he was sleeping), was that he should ask Minoo to account for every hour she spent working from home, and to also question her current system for calculating commissions.
And things went exactly as the Words expected.
The boss of Minoo's boss asked her to account for every hour of the time she spent working from home.

He also started questioning how she did her commission calculations, even though she was using a system she had refined over the years, and which was working fine.

This did not sit well with Minoo, and she was rattled.
She exchanged words with him again and again.

Eventually, tired of exchanging words, actually tired of the psychological demands of dealing with the boss of her boss, one Monday, Minoo did not show up for work.
Shortly after, she announced her resignation.  

The Words couldn't have been happier.

They high fived each other.

According to Thoughtful, it was now just a question of time before the creative pause bore fruit.

And that's exactly what happened.

By walking out of her job, Minoo gave herself a well-deserved creative pause.

And this creative pause soon spurred Minoo's creativity.
Before 6 months was out, she started a blog, and began to write and post online.

She wrote posts about losing weight, she wrote posts about buying cars, she wrote posts about starting businesses, she wrote posts about doing taxes, she wrote posts about being unique, she wrote posts about being a virtual worker, she wrote and wrote and wrote.

She even wrote a Valentine's Day post about Cupid getting his groove back.
The Words were ecstatic.

And guess what…the Numbers were happy too.
Because even after Minoo decided to become a Commission Administration Consultant, and her numbers work resumed, she found she was still able to write on weekends.

And she is doing that even today.

All’s well that ends well.
And now you know the genesis of this blog.

P.S. Since Valentine’s Day is around the corner, I will end this post with words and numbers of advice…

On Valentine's Day, don't forget to show them whose #1 in your life – them, not you. 

P.S. 2: Don’t forget to read my old Valentine’s Day post, which I hope will remain evergreen for some, if not all of you readers.😄