Sunday, November 1, 2020

Decisions. Decisions. Decisions.


Deciding is something

We all have to do

Especially after we leave grade school

And become free to choose.


Decisions.  Decisions.  Decisions.


We have to choose what field to enter

And how to make a living

We have to choose if it's worth forking out cash, or taking on debt for

And what to do if we later have misgivings.


Decisions.  Decisions.  Decisions.


We have to choose whether to live it up

Or be responsible every step of the way

We have to choose between taking on grown-up responsibilities

And between living for the day.


Decisions. Decisions. Decisions.​​​​


​​​Should we stay in Silicon Valley?

Or should we head to a city with a less expensive and crazy pace?

Should we live in our parents' basements

So we can save up money and buy our own place?


Decisions. Decisions. Decisions.


Should we buy bitcoin like X said?

Or trade options like Y told us to?

Should we put our money in boring old index funds

Like the Bogleheads, Buffets, and Boomers say we should do?


Decisions. Decisions. Decisions.


​​​​​​​We have to choose whether to be single

And stay footloose and fancy free

Or whether to commit to a relationship

And live within the associated boundaries.


Decisions. Decisions. Decisions.


We have to choose whether to do the same old same old

Or to leave our comfort zone

Sometimes we will have to choose between hard choices, such as whether to adopt the ideas, faith, ideals, and politics of those in our family or circle

Or to think for ourselves, and strike out on our own.


Decisions. Decisions. Decisions.


We have to choose whether to be our authentic selves

At work, at play, with family, or in society

Or whether to put on a mask and live a lie…

For the sake of tradition and propriety.


Decisions. Decisions. Decisions.


Should we make all our decisions based on our desires

For more money, more status, more comforts, and more personal gain?

Or should we make our decisions based on what we believe is honest, compassionate, and right

And such things as human dignity, and causing the least pain?


Decisions.  Decisions.  Decisions.


​​​​​​​Dear Reader, so when it comes to decisions

As you can see, you will have an unlimited number to make

The easy ones are like whether to exercise or not today

Pay serious attention to the ones where who you are, and what you stand for are at stake.


Thank you for reading and good luck to you in your decision making. Tuesday, November 3, 2020 is election day. A special shout-out of praise to all those who will vote (or have already voted) this year. Thank you for being a thoughtful, conscientious, and responsible part of the American polity. Before I go, I have two things to communicate...the first is how happy I am I can vote – it is a right every American woman enjoys, thanks to the tireless efforts of people like Mary Cady Stanton, who fought and fought until the 19th amendment passed, and women were allowed to vote. The second is to  share a link with you to an inspiring video, which is both funny and moving.  I believe whatever decisions you make in life, one of the primary decisions you should make in life is to let nothing come between you and a fulfilling life. This video is of a person who sets an inspiring example in that regard.  I hope you enjoy it and get inspired by it: Maysoon Zayid: I got 99 problems ... palsy is just one.

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