Sunday, November 22, 2020

Wake Up Better Angel


Wake up Better Angel

I need you to be alert

So that no matter what the situation

I respond in a way that does not hurt.


Stand guard Better Angel of my nature

When I feel the urge to speak my mind

Help me get my point across

Without gloating, being rude, or unkind


Be ever ready Better Angel

When someone says I did something wrong

Instead of arguing and defending myself

Make sure I can say a genuine sorry and move on.


Be on the watch Better Angel of my nature

For those times when my ideas and beliefs are under attack

Help me not pursue the desire to win and be right

To the point of being harsh, stubborn, or striking back.


Look out Better Angel

For the times when people don't keep their word

Help me to be kind, understanding, and forgiving

Instead of being cutting and absurd.


Pay utmost attention Better Angel of my nature

On occasions when I feel slighted, overlooked, or snubbed

Help me not give into the temptation to over-react

By responding shabbily, or carrying a grudge.


Be loud and persistent Better Angel

When no one knows the wrong I have done

Make sure I confess, atone, and make amends

Before my time is done.


Better Angel of my nature, it's only with your active presence

I can be a blessing in my own and other people's lives

With you, I am a force for dignity, compassion, and reason

Without you, I am prone to unkindness, divisiveness, and strife.


Time and time again, I find, Better Angel

Yours is the one voice I most need to hear

Because without you, Better Angel of my nature

I would be little better than a brute, I fear.


Dear Reader…this post is dedicated to the Better Angels of our nature. Even in the most challenging situations of hurt pride or feeling wronged, we can rely on them to guide our thoughts, our words, and actions, so we conduct ourselves with dignity, compassion, and reason. If we make the Better Angels of our nature an active presence in our lives, it will be good for us, good for our families, good for community, good for society, and ultimately, good for the world.