Sunday, November 8, 2020

You Can't Control Others


You can't control others

But what you can do is do your part

I advise you to do it in a way

That will set you apart.


Show how it's done

Help if you are asked

Even if others obstruct your progress

Keep continuing to stay on task.


Be the role model

Find new ways to do things

Find a non-narcissistic way

To show the value you bring.


You can't control what happens

Someone else may get the glory

Take pride in what you have done

And your contribution to the story.

Even if you feel dejected

Find a way to do the right thing

Don't let what you do be determined

By your worst and reactionary feelings.

You can't control victories

Some one else may steal the day

Quickly recover from your losses

So you can get back into play.


The person who doesn't let their feelings

Distract them from the big picture of what they are called to do

Is the person who advances

And I hope that this is you.

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