Sunday, June 5, 2016

How To Deal With Frustrated Desires – 20 Time Tested and Experience Proven Ideas

1.     Be happy with how much progress you have made. Accept that achievement is not instantaneous. The important thing is you have put things in motion.
2.     Continue to be quietly assertive. Big goals, big ideas may require that.
3.     Celebrate the process –enjoy the adventure and the challenges; think about the knowledge and wisdom gained. Plateau is followed by breakthrough, breakthrough is followed by plateau. This is a well-recognized pattern. Let the current plateau get you excited about breaking through to a new level.
4.     Use your imagination. Imagination is a powerful tool for dealing with frustrated desires. We never use it enough.
5.     Stay positive and hopeful – understand it may just take more time than you thought. The important thing is you are building on your success.
6.     Take a break - focus on something else for a while.  Pauses often lead to breakthroughs.
7.     Look at the problem from a different angle – you may be missing something.
8.     Try new tactics and strategies.  There may be another way to get there.
9.     Ask for advice.  Someone else may have the answer.
10.  Partner with someone, or if you are already partnered with someone, bring in new resources.
11.  Pass on the baton. Someone else may be better positioned, or better equipped, to make your desire a reality.
12.  Take a step back.  Ask yourself, what will happen if the goal is not reached.  What would have been gained?  What would have been lost?
13.  Move on to the next great adventure - desires are usually replaceable and interchangeable.
14.  Re-examine your motives.  Why is this desire important to you?
15.  Break up the desire.  Smaller desires are more easily achieved.
16.  Develop emotional skills. Patience, tolerance and flexibility will often get you further than strategy and tactics alone.
17.  Become spiritual about it – understand the desire may not be for this moment, or may not be for you.
18.  If the desire is based on expectations connected with other people, become more empathetic, become a better leader and motivator of others.  Find out what you are doing wrong.
19.  Believe in yourself and persist.  Even if everyone has stopped believing in you, or what you want to do, you should not stop believing in yourself. Take inspiration from people who persisted over a long period of time to achieve their goals. Find ways to keep yourself going. Be persnickety persistent.
20.  If everything else fails, transcend the desire.  The more desires you are able to transcend, the happier you will be. Meditation may be one way to do that.

As always, thanks for reading, and have a great day and week. Thanks to Ajay and Shiva for their compliments and comments on my last post, and thanks to the rest of you for your likes, pins, tweets and votes.  Much appreciated.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Brilliant incisive post, Minoo!
Plateau is followed by breakthrough, breakthrough is followed by plateau. This is a well-recognized pattern. Let the current plateau get you excited about breaking through to a new level....well said!