Sunday, September 2, 2012

Letter - Dropping
In my last post, I attempted to start a new idea called Letter-Dropping.

Letter-Dropping is dropping the first letter of a name to come up with a new name.

These were some of the new names I came up with by dropping the first letter of a name:

Radhika. Adhika
Neelam. Eelam
Madhav. Adhav
Lavanya. Avanya
Shalini . Halini
Taanvi.  Aanvi
Padmini. Admini
Kanchana. Anchana

On reading my post, reader Aarathi, (who is a frequent visitor to MJLS) came back with the comment that Letter Dropping doesn’t work for her name. 

Aarathi” without an “A” is still “Arathi”.

This led me to think of something that would work with her name...


In Letter Adding, you add a letter to a name to create a new name.

For example, if I add the letter “S” to Aarathi , I get Saarathi.

Here are a few new names I came up with by adding the letter S before some names:

Anya – Sanya
Anisha – Sanisha
Ajith – Sajith
Amita - Samita
Anjali – Sanjali
Anita – Sanita

Of course neither Letter-Dropping nor Letter-Adding will work for all names.

Stanita, for instance won’t work - even if it’s a great way to compliment a gal called Tanita when she looks stunning.

One of the purposes of my Letter-Dropping and Letter-Adding exercise is to show you  how to step out of the universe of available ideas and ask "What if?"

In this case, what if I add or subtract to come up with something new?

Subtracting and adding is a tool you can use to get creative and change things up in any sphere of life.

That's how Decaf coffee was probably invented.

And dog-breeders have been changing things up by adding and subtracting for the past 150 years.

(Do you know that all dog-breeds in existence are created breeds that have been in existence for only the last 150 years?)

So if you are an artist, I urge you to take off the cultural glasses which have got you painting or etching just like everybody else - and think of what you can add or remove to produce something original and truly your own.

Likewise, if you are a writer, don’t let an excellent memory (filled with all the books and authors you’ve read) sentence you to copycatting and the list of available styles and genres.  Think of ways to add or subtract so you can be original in your craft.
(For inspiration, I suggest you read Edward Albee’s Zoo Story - a great example of minimalism at play - with just 2 characters and one prop.)

Hey, even if your craftiness is just in the activities you do at home, the next time you cook, sew or decorate, think of what you can add or subtract to create something fresh and different. The pin above from Pinterest is of a creative French toast recipe.  See how by just adding 3 pieces of banana and 3 raisins, a mundane food is turned into a "awww"provoking delight. Click on the link if you want to see the actual pin and recipe on Pinterest.

Sometimes all it takes is a challenge to jumpstart our creativity.

Can a person in a wheelchair run?

The answer is no - when you think inside the box.

But when you think outside the box (as this father did) and you ask yourself - how do I give a person who wants to run legs - that’s when your creative mind begins to work.

Spend an hour today reflecting on your hobby, your craft or just a problem you need to solve – and ask yourself – what can I add or subtract to make it better? How can I step outside the universe of available ideas?

You will be surprised at how much creativity this unlocks!

Happy Adding and Subtracting!

P.S. As always thanks for reading and have a great day.

P.S. 2: I have written about Dick Hoyt, the inspirational and creative father, in my post How To Be A Better Dad.

P.S.2:  If you like creative challenges, you might enjoy the creative challenges listed in my post The Carpinteria Times.

P.S. 3: MJLS is Minoo Jha Life Strategies.  If you are into acronyms, you might enjoy my post OMG! You’ve Been Acked!

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