Sunday, August 26, 2012

What To Do With Your Lightning Bolts

Lightning bolts.

You have them in the shower.

In the middle of the night.

When you are walking on the road.

When something catches your eye or ear and makes you go "hmm".

What do you do with these lightning bolts?

Do you make a mental note to act on them, but then forget about them? 

That's what’s so great about social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and blog hosting sites…

You can find a home for all those inspirations that visit you in the middle of the night.

If nothing else, they will be there for you to read later.

You should make use of Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and blogging sites like Word Press and Blogger to store, treasure and honor every thought and idea that is special to you – including your lightning bolts.

Most of my posts on Minoo Jha Life Strategies are truthfully just lightning bolts I couldn’t let go off.

My Twitter-related posts, beginning with Dear Dick Costolo, are an example. In these posts, a bird called Spizella Arborea launches a protest against Twitter for using the word "tweet". 

Some of my lightning bolts are so silly and quirky, you will wonder why I even bother.

My “OMG,You’ve Been Acked" post, for instance.

The answer is : “just for the fun of it”.  

This post is going to be another just for the fun of it post.

It was inspired by me having a lightning bolt about dropping the first letter of a name to come up with a new name.

Here goes…making new names by dropping the first letter of a name– just for the fun of it!

Radhika.  Adhika
Neelam.  Eelam
Madhav.  Adhav.
Lavanya.  Avanya
Shalini .  Halini
Taanvi.   Aanvi
Padmini. Admini
Kanchana.   Anchana
Ramani.  Amani
Manjula.  Anjula
Amrita. Mrita.
Ajay.  Jay
Nainika.  Ainika.
Kavita.  Avita
Karishma.  Arishma
Darshana.  Arshana
Gauri.  Auri
Jagjit.  Agjit
Jayashri.  Ayashri
Kalpana. Alpana

Want more name fun? 

Read My Dear Santa or Porki and Bonkers Tradition or How to Go from Madonna to Lily to Myrtle in a Single Evening - and Even Have a Sex Change

And do get started on treasuring and housing your own lightning bolts.

Don't be afraid of them being thought of as silly or foolish or a drag.  So what if they are! They're yours - that's what makes them special.

P.S. As always, thanks for reading and have a great day.


Ajay said...

Gosh, Minoo....looks like yr going to start a new trend!

Anonymous said...

Aarathi remains Arathi,even after dropping one 'a',inoo.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Minoo Jha said...

Thank you Ituserk/Saarathi and Jay...Esna(also known as Inoo)