Sunday, September 23, 2012

And All Because of Megan and Menace!

Taken from the Pinterest Board Pirate Cake Ideas

Ahoy, me Hearties.

September 19 was Talk like a Pirate Day.

Are you going “Shiver me Timbers – who would have thought!!!!!”

Me too!

On finding out it was Talk Like a Pirate Day from the Megan and Menace Morning show on 105.3, I spent the rest of the day doing what any self-respecting pirate would do…..

I greeted everyone with an “Ahoy me Hearties”. And I punctuated every conversation with an “Arrr”.

Err….actually, because I had a busy work day, I could do no such thing.

But I made a promise to myself - come September 19 of next year…."Arrrr"

Meanwhile, I was thinking - why do we have to wait till September 19 of next year to escape being the boring, staid people we are.

Can’t we be creative and invent some other days on which we can pretend play?

Of course we can!

Here are some ideas…

Talk Like Bertie Wooster Day
What do you think?  We could spend the entire day saying things like “What Ho”, “Pip Pip “ “oojah-cum-spiff” “creeps of the first water”, “gone off her onion”, “frightfully white of you” and “thirty days without the option”.  Like the idea? I even know a way to get us all into the spirit - by reading Ajay Sachdev’s post Magical Wodehouse.

Talk Like An Accidental Spelling Bee Contributor Day
This could be fun too.  All that’s needed is a crash course in the nuances of Indian English as spoken in different parts of India.  Short of going to India and visiting every state, I know just where you can find that.  In my post How To Cause Atmost Confusion at the Scripps Spelling Bee.

Talk like a Manicurist Day
Repeat after me “I do for you. Look niiiice”.  And you are on your way to participating in Talk Like a Manicurist Day. For even more street cred, watch the video Nail Salon in my post Nail Salon by Angela with an H.

Talk like a Mangalorean Day
Warning - for this, you will need to get out your dictionary and cram as many polysyllabic words as you can. My post The Mangalorean and The Big Words can get you into the groove.

P.S. If trying to cram polysyllabic words brings back memories of a Viola Swamp like English teacher who meted out severe punishments for any misused or misspelled words, then you are excused from participating in Talk Like a Mangalorean Day.

Talk in Acronyms Day
On TIAD  (Talk In Acronyms Day), you say “GJ” instead of “Great Job!”.  And EW instead of “Excellent Work!”.Talk in Acronyms Day is inspired by my post OMG! You’ve Been Acked!

OK, I’ve come up with several ideas for alternatives to Talk Like a Pirate Day.

Now it’s your turn.

What Talk Like A……Day can you think of?

P.S. I owe the discovery of Talk Like a Pirate Day to the Megan and Menace In The Morning Show on CBS 105.3, a Bay Area Alternative Music radio channel.  Thanks Megan and Menace – were it not for you gluys (new word for a gal and a guy), I might never have learned about Talk Like a Pirate Day and this post might never have been written.

P.S. 2:  Speaking of dictionaries and polysyllabic words, at the age of 20, I took it upon myself to study the dictionary and learn 100 new words every day for 2 months. During that brief period in my life, I turned into Polysyllabic Monster and people would run in the opposite direction whenever they saw me approaching. Nobody enjoyed receiving letters from me, either.

P.S. 3:  If you want to know why the most delightful store for pirate supplies in the world is 826 Valencia in San Francisco, you'll need to watch this video.

P.S. 4: As always thanks for reading and do visit again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Last night,I finished reading “The Wild Things” by Dave Eggers..


It is a coincidence that The vedio in the post shows the novelist.I think I'll go through it once again when I'm really free...