Sunday, May 28, 2017

When The Ego Is Conquered

When the ego is conquered….

Your real gifts are revealed.

More of life becomes available to you.

False pride will not deter you.

Real empathy is possible.

Productive collaboration can begin.

Relationships can heal and flourish.

Frustrations become easier to deal with.

Real communion will be experienced.

Real joy can be experienced.

Real peace will descend.

Real victories will be accomplished.

You will be a real blessing to other people.

You will lift other people’s spirits.

You will feel a real sense of connection.

Self-consciousness will not get in the way of your plans.

Ups and downs will have less impact.

You will take less things personally.

What you do will matter to you more than what happens to you.

When the ego is conquered…..wisdom begins.

As always, thanks for sharing my Journey to Wisdom, Meaning and a Better Life,  and have a great day and week….M ……a Pearl Seeker like you.  Thanks to Ajay for his compliments on my last post, and thanks to the rest of you for your likes, pins, shares, tweets and votes…..much appreciated.

P.S. Just like you, I am trying to find my way out of this complicated maze we call life, and I am honored to have you share my journey.

P.S.2. Before I end this post, Happy Birthday to all those with May b’days.  Hope you use your birthday month to birth something new and wonderful in your life.

Posts to help you on your journey to conquering your ego…

1 comment:

Unknown said...

a short, hard-hitting and brilliantly analytical post, Minoo!It lays bare some common mental blocks in our path to success and urges us to overcome them! Well put!