Sunday, June 4, 2017

Words That Count

These are some of the books which changed my life.

I will write about them in Q&A format.

Here goes…

Which book, which I have reviewed, is about the effect of spirituality on the brain, and can be credited with teaching me how to meditate?

How God Changes Your Brain by Andrew Newberg and Mark Robert Waldman


Which book is rated the top self-help book for depression, a book I have written about ?

Feeling Good: The Mood Therapy by Dr. David Burns


Which book will make you want to get up and go, and inspire you to physical feats you did not know you were capable of?

Spartan Up by Joe De Sena


Which book is considered the best job-search book of all time, and led to my developing a unique attitude to interviewing focused on making a unique impression?

What Color Is Your Parachute by Richard N Bolles


Of which book, did I say, “It made me want to start reading fiction again?

Operation al_Nagrib by Ajay Sachdev


Which book first made me realize you can change the probabilities in your life?

One by Richard Bach


Which book reveals surprising insights about millionaires, such as the fact that most of the owners of dry cleaning shops are millionaires?

The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas J. Stanley


Which book is filled with life though it is about death?

When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi


Which very personal book lays out constructive and imaginative ways to deal with the challenges and losses of life?

Three Simple Steps by Trevor Blake


Which book took me down memory lane to the time when an unknown Lewis Carroll story made me stop eating meat almost overnight, a practice I continued for the next 3 years?

On Becoming Vegetarian – by Anita Saran


Which book says managers should think of their teams as sports teams rather than a family, and give their reports 2-4 year “tours of duty”, a book which made me reinforce my decision to be a contract Commissions Analyst and go where I am needed most?

The Alliance:  Managing Talent in a Networked Age by Reed Hoffman


Which book taught me more about diabetes than I ever knew – hint the entire book is available online?

The Diabetes Solution by Dr. Richard Bernstein


These are just some of the many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many wonderful books I have read.

Reading is my favorite hobby; and the public library is my favorite place to get books.

If you are in America, and you have not discovered the joys of reading, I hope you will head to a public library soon.  America is one of the few countries where you can read books for free. 

P.S.  You do not need to own books to enjoy them. I never have.  I never will.

P.S. If you have favorite books you can recommend to me, I would love to hear about them.  I welcome your recommendations.

As always, thanks for sharing my Journey to Wisdom, Meaning and a Better Life,  and have a great day and week….M ……a Pearl Seeker like you.  Thanks to Ajay for his compliments on my last post, and thanks to the rest of you for your likes, pins, shares, tweets and votes…..much appreciated.

P.S. Just like you, I am trying to find my way out of this complicated maze we call life and I am honored to have you share my journey.

Before, I end this post, Happy Birthday to all those with June b’days.  Hope you use your birthday month to birth something new and wonderful in your life - maybe a reading habit?

Not yet ready to dive into a full-length book?

Here are some quick reads written by me to inspire you to make positive changes in your life.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

WoW Minoo! That's a very, very comprehensive list of books to read about the multi-faceted challenges we face and different aspects of our life! Thanks for collating it in one place...never have so many owed so much before to one single inspirational writer - Minoo Jha!