Sunday, December 23, 2018

Bad Minoo. Because Bad Santa Is For The Movies

"Santa….I need to talk to you about a problem" said Rudolph.

"Problem…..what problem…. Is it your nose….I thought you were over it".

Rudolph shook his head.

"Are any of the reindeer acting up?"

Rudolph shook his head.

"Then, what's up Rudy? Don't be afraid to come out and say it."

"Well, I have this idea and I can't get it out of my head" said Rudolph.

"Let's hear it, Rudy" said Santa.

"What some people need for Christmas..." started Rudolph.

"I'm listening" said Santa.

"What some people really need for Christmas…."

"Go on, Rudy" said Santa.

"What some people really need for Christmas is a…is a…is a…is a kick in the pants."

Santa almost fell off the stool he was sitting on.

"A kick in the pants? Why Rudy, that's the strangest idea. I've never heard anything like it in my life!"

"I knew it was crazy" said Rudolph, "let's just forget about it, Santa."

"Maybe if you tell me why you think this is a good idea?" said Santa in an encouraging voice.

"Well,"said Rudolph,"what I was thinking is that what some people want more than anything else for Christmas is an assurance 2019 will not be a repeat of 2018, or the things they didn't like about 2018."

“…..and these people who don't want 2019 to be a repeat of 2018, I think what they need is a kick in the pants."

"A kick in the pants can do that?" said Santa.

"Like this?" asked Santa, trying to kick one of his legs as high as he could. "I don't think I can kick that high."

"Well, actually I was thinking if we could have some else deliver the kick in the pants, then you won't have to be the bad person".

"Bad Santa, ha ha, yes, that would be exceedingly bad for my resume and Linkedin profile" laughed Santa.

"But who do you have in mind? I'm curious,"Santa continued.

"A blogger called Minoo Jha" said Rudolph.

"She can do that?" asked Santa.

"She can do that, and moreover, she would be more than willing and happy to do it" said Rudolph.

"Wow, you have it all figured out " said Santa.

"So what do you think?" said Rudy. "Can I ask Minoo Jha to do this?"

Santa twisted his mustache, "Well Rudy, if what some people need is for 2019 not to be a repeat of 2018, and a kick in the pants will make that happen, and you have this Minoo Jha lined up to do it, you have my full support."

"Thank you Santa" said Rudolph, "I promise you it's the best Christmas gift these people can get. I will inform Minoo Jha to get going on this."

And with that, the conversation between Rudolph and Santa ended.

And Minoo's challenge began.

First things first, dear reader….if you are happy with the way things went in 2018, you don't have to read any further.  You can stop reading right here.

But if you are not happy with the way things went in 2018, and if you want to make sure 2019 is not a repeat of 2018, I am here to deliver you a kick in the pants.

Warning - what I am going to say may not be the words you want to hear.

But after giving some thought as to how best to deliver you a kick in the pants, here's what I have concluded...

If you want to make 2019 different from 2018, there is only one person who can give you a kick in the pants.

And that person is Y-O-U.

Yes, You.


Or, if you prefer me to write it text message style, I can do that too..."U".

Only you can do something to make your life different in 2019.

Deal with neglected issues?

Only you can do it.

Get into the best shape you've ever been?

Only you can do it.

Make critical changes in your work or personal life?

Only you can do it.

Make critical changes in how you've been using your mind, or your body?

Only you can do it.

Turn wasted moments into life-giving moments?

Only you can do it.

Transmute the coal of your losses into diamonds of mission mindfulness?

Only you can do it.

Go from seeking inspiration to being an inspiration.

Only you can do it.

Make money an interesting rather than a challenging problem?

Only you can do it.

Kick a destructive habit way out of your life?

Only you can do it.

Starting from where you are, you can make your life altogether more satisfying in 2019.

You can change your picture of life to be in alignment with you are, and what you want your life to look like.

Start building the picture of what you want your life to look like.

Keep that picture in front of you.

Your picture of 2019 is significantly different from your picture of 2018, is this true?

Now are you ready to take meaningful action to create it?

…Serious, "I'm getting down to business" action.

Not half-serious, wink, wink…I'll get to it later action.

Reaction is not action. You with me?

Vague ideas, thoughts, and hopes are not action, either. You with me?

Action is concrete steps and activities.

You will use concrete steps and activities to create your 2019 life.

What you need is a 2019 calendar.

Here are the steps:

Step 1: Sit down with a 2019 calendar.

Step 2: Enter your key goal (or goals) for 2019 in the December 31 box on the calendar.

Enter the goals that are most important to you, and the areas you want to impact the most.

If you don't have time for everything, pick the goal which matters to you most.

Step 3: Fill up the months in the 2019 calendar with different steps and activities which can impact your goal.

Spend a lot of time on Step 3.

You want to fill up as many boxes as you can - in as many days of each month on the calendar.

Step 4: Hang the calendar in a prominent place. Or use a calendar on your phone. Use reminders and alarms to keep you on track.

Step 5: As you complete an activity or step which is on your calendar, circle it with a red or green pen to mark that you’ve accomplished it.

That's it.

Follow these 5 steps, and I promise you, at the end of 2019, 2019 will look nothing like 2018.

Let's say, you have a fitness goal for 2019.

Enter the fitness goal in the December 31 box - be as specific as you can.

Then write the word "gym" or "yoga" or "swim" or "zumba" on 4 -5 days of every week on the calendar, starting with the month of January - and going through all the months until December 31, 2019.

When you complete an activity, circle it with a green or red pen.

At the end of 2019, if you have a lot of green or red circles, not only will 2019 look nothing like 2018 to you, you will look nothing like the way you looked in 2018 either. I promise you.

There's your kick in the pants.

…From Santa, from Rudolph, and from me.

You're welcome!

Merry Christmas and Happy 2019!

Strike that.

Merry Christmas and a Kick In the Pants 2019.

Yes, I think that's what Rudolph and Santa would have liked me to say.

A selection of my previous Christmas posts. The Day The New Ruj Das Began was so cathartic for me, I cried even re-reading it just now:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Truly focussed and brilliant, Minoo!Transmute the coal of your losses into diamonds of mission mindfulness...Kick a destructive habit way out of your life...Vague ideas, thoughts, and hopes are not action, either. Action is concrete steps and activities...A and green circles! An excellent strategy for self transformation!