Sunday, August 20, 2017

Maybe It's Time To Get Out of Your Real Straitjacket

Your real straitjacket is not the predicament you are in.

Your real straitjacket is the behavior and the actions that got you into the predicament you are in.

The predicament of bad health….

the predicament of broken relationships…

the predicament of being in a corner…

the predicament of being at a dead end with no visible options…

the predicament of being in the same place of dissatisfaction, you were in, 5 years ago, 10 years ago, 15 years ago.

Your real straitjacket is your repetitive and pointless thought-processes.

Your real straitjacket is the improper use of your time.

Your real straitjacket is the misuse, and under-utilization of your intelligence, your abilities, and your skills.

Your real straitjacket is your lack of respect for the laws of nature, or the laws of justice, or the laws of commonsense.

Your real straitjacket is the lack of attentiveness to what matters most in relationships.

Your real straitjacket is the misuse of your body and your mind.

Your real straitjacket is the misuse and abuse of all the blessings in your life – the blessings of money, the blessings of opportunities, the blessings of second chances, even the very fact you are blessed with the gift of life at this moment – when babies are stillborn, when young children are lost to unfortunate illnesses and accidents.

Your real straitjacket is thinking you are stuck, and you cannot think and act your way out of your current situation.

You can think and act your way out of any situation.

Break the ball and chain.

You do not need to be handcuffed to fear, indecision, and bad choices.

You do not need to be handcuffed to anger, and lack of emotional control.

You do not need to be handcuffed to destructive elements and forces.

Freedom is yours for the asking.

Freedom is yours for the taking.

Freedom is just waking up to the truth - and understanding there is another way to think, another way to behave, another way to respond, another way to use your mind, your body, and your time.

Before you go to bed tonight, say to yourself, I will wake up to the truth tomorrow.

Say to yourself – I will wake up a different person.

Say to yourself – I will wake up with the strength and resolution to defeat the dark forces in my life.

Say to yourself – I will wake up to different choices.

Say to yourself – I will stop being a curse to people in my life.

Say to yourself – I will start being a blessing, and only a blessing, to all the people in my life.

The clock keeps ticking away...

Tonight is the night you should tell yourself “I will break the ball and chain tomorrow and start living a radically new life.”

As always, thanks for sharing my Journey to Wisdom, Meaning and a Better Life.  Like you, I am trying to find my way through this complex maze we call life, and I am honored to have you share my journey, as I continue to seek the wisdom which is hidden in plain sight.

Thanks to Ajay for his compliments on my last post, and thanks to the rest of you for your likes, pins, shares, tweets and votes…..much appreciated….M ……a Pearl Seeker like you

Happy Birthday to all those with August birthdays.  Hope you use your birthday month to birth something new and wonderful in your life. Break the chains of fear and indecision and the improper use of your body, your mind, or your time, to birth something new and wonderful in your life.

Posts to help you on your journey...

Breaking Free

Changing Your Thought Processes

Emotional Control

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A hard-hitting and brilliantly analytical post, Minoo, to snap us out of the cocoon of negativity; transformation through a process of self-analysis and self-correction into achieving an optimal life path!You've outdone yourself again!