Sunday, January 28, 2018

17 Ways You Can Recover Your Personal Power When You Feel You Have Lost It

1.   Think of your blessings.

       Even a simple thing like the presence of loving pets, loving friends and family, or having a comfortable living situation, is a blessing.  Improve your outlook by thinking of all your current blessings. This will increase your personal power.

2.   Express positive thoughts out aloud.

       Tell people what you have learned about your situation. Tell them what’s good about the fact this happened to you. The more positive things you think and say about what happened to you, the more positive will be your future thoughts, feelings, and communication. The more positive things you think and say about your situation, the more improved will be your outlook, and optimism about the future.This will increase your personal power.

3.   Take positive action.

       Instead of isolating, connect.  Connect on the phone. Connect for coffee and conversation. Connect with individuals or groups who will revive your spirits.  Connect for a cause you believe in. There are so many ways to connect. Connecting will increase your personal power.

4.   Express gratitude.
       If your situation is a result of other people having done something to you, try to think of the good things they did, before the negative event happened. Maybe you can even write a thank you letter or note of appreciation to them, acknowledging those good things.  You can write the letter and keep it, or write the letter and mail it. Either way, its impact will be  immediate.  You will feel better both about yourself, and about the people who betrayed you or harmed you. You will turn the toxic air between you into healthy life-giving air. You will pave the way for a positive future relationship with them. This will increase your personal power.

5.   Keep yourself fit.

       Get a gym membership and sign up for a   pumped up gym class. Try a new style of haircut. Pay attention to your grooming.  Keep your appearance smart and sharp.  This will increase your personal power.

6.   Make ‘not working’ work for you.
       Turn it into an advantage. If you are not working, think about the fact most people become their healthiest and most resourceful when they are not working. This is because they have the time to work out, and eat right, and think of ideas. You can become part of this wonderful statistic.  It will increase your personal power multi-fold.

7.   Do something positive every day.
       Do something positive in at least one area in your life every day – something good for your career, or good for your health, or good for your relationships, or good for your personal development, or good for your emotional balance.  It may be something as simple as  taking your dog for a walk, working on a creative project, cooking something, reading an uplifting book, or working in your garden. This will  increase your personal power.

8.   Talk to the right people.
       Talk to friends or family who believe in you. They will remind you of your strength and your abilities, and it will help you stay positive and keep negative thoughts at bay. This will increase your personal power.

9.   Pick up a pen and list all your achievements.
       Write down all the amazing things you have accomplished in your life.  Write down the disadvantages you overcame to achieve each of those accomplishments. Put dates against each milestone, and record the wonderful results and events associated with each milestone. This will increase your personal power.

10.   Read and watch positive & inspiring material.
       Find material which encourages you and energizes you.  Find material which teaches you to become smarter and wiser and less afraid. Listen to and watch this material again and again and again. Make the messages part of your DNA. This will increase your personal power.

11.   Bring back your sense of perspective.
       Increase your personal power by thinking “If this  had not happened to me, I wouldn’t have learned to value the things that matter most.”

12.   Do things which give you a sense of control.
       Do things which will give you an “I’ve got this” feeling. Clean up your house, clear your backyard, get up to date with your medical appointments and financial obligations. This will increase your personal power.

13.   Find the silver lining in your situation.

       What is true for you? Have your tough times  made you simpler, freer, bolder, wiser, more creative, have they made you more appreciative? Spend some time to find the silver lining in your situation. This will increase your personal power.

14.   Create joy for others.
      Cook a meal for someone, ask someone to join you for a walk, or for happy hour.  Creating joy for others will make you feel good about yourself.  Spreading joy is a great way to restore your confidence and bring back your personal power.

15.   Grab a pen and think of some ideas.

       Put down some ideas of what you can do in your current situation. How can you use your time, your energy, your resources? Some really creative ideas and insights can come out of putting on your thinking cap. This will increase your personal power.

16.   Surrender your problem to a higher power.      
      This sounds counter-intuitive, but it is proven. It has worked for many others. It could work for you, and restore and increase your personal power.

17.   Finally, be hopeful.

       Remind yourself of the wisdom of ‘This Too Shall Pass’.  No matter, what you are going through, it will pass.

As always, thanks for sharing my Journey to Wisdom, Meaning and a Better Life.  Like you I am trying to find my way through this complex maze we call life, and I am honored to have you share my journey, as I continue to seek the wisdom hidden in plain sight.

P.S. Thanks to everyone who sent condolences for the deaths of my sister Angela and her husband Jim (see last post). A reader asked how they died.  They died of complications from influenza within 2 days of each other.

A selection of my past posts is below. If this is your first visit, I would be so honored if you spent some more time on my blog, and read a few more posts:

The United States of Friendship – Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12
Managing Your Money
Simplifying Your Life
Getting Over Your Self-Consciousness
Learning to Laugh
Learning to Relax
Pursuing A Dream
What’s Next For You? The Element of The First Step and Its Hope for Getting Big Things Started In Our Lives, She Victories


Unknown said...

“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.” – Willie Nelson.
“You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind.” – Joyce Meyer

its a a surprising truth that positive thought, words and action engender positive results.AS you've so aptly pointed out, counting your blessings, expressing gratitude, keeping fit, leaving it to God, finding the silver lining, and being hopeful are top-class strategies to engendering positivity!
Superb post, Minoo!

Unknown said...

Very nice and uplifting Minoo!! Thanks!!