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You Haven’t Had Health Insurance
For How Many Years?????
The twists and
turns of my life have led me to make some non-conformist unconventional
unusual decisions and experience some notable unparalleled unusual
circumstances. Here are the ones which, when I talk about them, surprise people the most.
#1 I have lived in
the same apartment for 17 years
#2 I have not had a
permanent job since 2010 since I began consulting
#3 I read, write and
speak only one language: English
#4 I taught 2
semesters of advertising copy at Loyola College, a Jesuit college in Chennai, India
#5 I completed all
of my 10 CTM speeches at Toastmasters in a year
#6 I spend 8 hours
every week writing my blog posts
#7 I have read over
100 finance and investment books
#8 I lost 37 lbs in
less than 1 year
#9 I have published
over 385 posts on my blog
#10 English was the
only language spoken in my house growing up.
#11 I used to be so
shy as a teenager, if I was alone at home, and a visitor rang the doorbell, I
would hide and not open the door, because I did not know what to say to them
#12 I was a pass-out
drinker for 2 years in my 20’s. If the night was long, I would drink beyond my limit, pass out and
have to be carried home
#13 I entered a disco
competition in my mid twenties and won second place
#14 Between the ages
of 18-20, I composed 30 songs with basic guitar chords, which I frequently played
and sang for family and friends
#15 I regularly go
on 5 mile walks
#16 I have done 5
consecutive days of a 24-hour fast
#17 My current diet
is a low carb diet of 40 -60 gms carbs a day
#18 My phone is an
Alcatel Lucent Fierce 2 phone, which I affectionately call ‘my not so smart
#19 I enjoy being
#20 I don’t have a
college degree. I dropped out of college,
before I got my degree.
#21 I have seen my
rent go down a few times, not just up
#22 For most of my
career as a Commissions Analyst, I have worked from home
#23 In my leanest
income year, which was 2011, I earned a gross of 18,000, and a net of 16,800 after self-employment
#24 I used to have an
anger management problem which ended only with my mother’s death in 2005.
#25 I detest
performance reviews. It is one of the reasons I have resisted converting to permanent employment during the last 7 years
#26 There was a time
in my life when I argued that Dhirubai Ambani was doing more for the world than
Mother Teresa (it was many years before I saw the light)
#27 I am a better
consultant than I ever was an employee (the freedom, and the respect for my time, brings out the
best in me)
#28 After I learned to
meditate in 2010, I have had several telepathic experiences. I love telepathic experiences and stories
#29 I have no debt
#30 I am frugal - I drive used cars, I use pieces of furniture until they are worn - my frugality surprises people
#31 I am cool about
all my daughter’s choices and desires, having changed for the better when she was in high school
#32 I encourage my
daughter to spend her money on experiences, rather than things, because I know
from personal experience, as well as reading, experiences make us more happy than things
#33 I never feel
hungry (it’s one of the benefits of going low carb)
#34 In my early days
of going low carb, I ate a lot of high fat foods for satiety
#35 I also drank
Bullet-proof coffee (black coffee with butter and MCT oil) in my early days of going low carb,
and I enjoyed the taste, and how awake and alert it made me feel.
#37 For all my love
of being single, I enjoy romantic movies
#38 I check out
between 15 and 40 books from the public library at a time.
#39 I was the cry
baby of the family. Now, I cry only when
I am moved, not out of self-pity
#40 I want to be born
again as a vegetarian monk without desires in my next life – if there is a next
#41 I have 31% body
fat, even being as thin as I currently am.
I found this out by doing a DEXA scan.
#42 I was struck by
Cupid’s arrow multiple times starting from when I was a teenager, and I had a
few different boyfriends and a husband before I became the single person that I
#43 Before having
Tanita, for the longest time, I never had any desire to have a child
#44 I ran a
profitable creative shop in India, Purple Patch, for a few years. I had a staff
of 6 people, plus up to 30 contingent copywriters, art directors and print
production people, helping me
#45 All the
Toastmaster speeches I’ve delivered were completely memorized before I went to the mike.
#46 When I ran Purple
Patch, I scripted my customer calls and read from the scripts, especially if I
was making a call to a client to let them know what I was going to charge them
#47 When I need to
think, I like total silence. In peak
Chennai summer, I would turn off the fan when I needed to think
#48 Instead of tracking my budget, I track my expenses
#49 I sleep on the
floor on a mattress
#50 I was a hot-headed feminist when I was younger and have walked out of parties when someone said
something sexist
#51 The commissions
team I am currently on went to lunch at Il Fornaio with the CFO – just us, the commissions
team and the CFO - of a company with more than a billion dollars in revenue - it was a first
#52 I read only
non-fiction books
#53 I get addicted to
a purse and will continue to use it even when it is in tatters. At that stage,
I cradle it like a baby in my hands. I tend to settle on a single pair of footwear likewise
#54 I was sponsored
by one of my consulting clients to do Varicent training at Toronto Canada
#55 I have documented
the commission processes, or written user guides, at 6 different Bay Area companies
#56 I was a
vegetarian for 3 years of my life, which is why I want to be born again as a
vegetarian monk (see #40) and why I have published a post on vegetarianism The V List, and also reviewed the Amazon book On Becoming Vegetarian by Anita Saran
#57 I have worked at
14 different companies, as a commissions analyst, a commissions software
implementer, or a commissions software tester
#58 I remained stoic
calm during the 2008 stock market crash due to my investment philosophy
#59 I used only big words for a time in my life (I think it has something to do with being a Mangalorean)
#60 And finally, the
biggie, the one that surprises people the most –I HAVE GONE WITHOUT HEALTH
INSURANCE FOR THE LAST 5 YEARS. Read my post What I Learned I Could Live Without and
you will understand how that came about.
Thanks to Ajay, to Audrey, to Jacinta, to Jyothi, to Krysia, to Padmini,
to Sangeeta, to Shalini, to and all else for their heart-warming feedback
(comments, likes, shares) on my posts Things I Learned I Could Live Without and
How I Went From a Girlie Girl to a Strong, Independent Woman. I need affirmation that I am on the right
path and you gave it to me in generous helpings.
NEXT, Thanks to all readers, current and future, for sharing my Journey
to Wisdom, Meaning and a Better Life.
Like you I am trying to find my way through this complex maze we call
life, and I am honored to have you share my journey, as I continue to seek the
wisdom hidden in plain sight.
Birthday shout-out: to those with October birthdays. Hope you use your birthday month to birth
something new and wonderful in your life. A commitment to living more authentically
and doing things which fulfill you is the way to go. It's okay if other people are surprised by your choices and decisions.
P.S. Not sure if you have time, but if you do, you may enjoy these
other posts:
The United States of Friendship – Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12
Our Cake Boss Family, Family Songs, The Nightdress Brigade, Family Advice I Am Grateful For, The Porki And Bonkers Tradition, No Need for 23 and Me, Letters to Lucas, Flying Lessons
A Fresh Perspective on Pets, Secrets of The Super Models In Our Family, BowWow, Meoww, Why You Should Not Abandon Your Pet
Managing Your Money
Yoga for Investors, How to Turn Your Girl Scout or Cub Scout Into a Stock Scout, Financial Piece of Mind, Financial Piece of Mind – Part Deux, A Retirement Planning Formula You Won’t Find on Oprah
Simplifying Your Life
You know what Wesabi is, How About Wabi Sabi? The Simple Life, The Element of Simplicity and Its Hope for Living a More Satisfying Life
Getting Over Your Self-Consciousness
The Element of Release From Inhibition, The Element of Being Less Self-Centered and Its Hope for Seeing Things in The Correct Light, The Element of Getting Out of Our Comfort Zone and Its Hope For Experiencing More of What Life Has to Offer
Learning to Laugh
How To Deal With The Sheldon Coopers in Your Life – Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, The Nightdress Brigade, You Aced the SAT, How About the LAT?, How To Cause Atmost Confuzen at the Scripps Spelling Bee, How To Go From Madonna to Lilly to Myrtle in The Course of A Single Evening - And Even Have a Sex Change, A Facebook Face-Off, A Short Stint in Advertising
Learning to Relax
How To Become a Low Maintenance Person, Connected Minds, How To Become The Kind of Person People Want to Work with, How Many Times a Day Do You Visit Ireland? The Art of Carrying Things Lightly
Raising the Bar, 4 Healthy Eating Ideas I Learned from My Friend Julia, The Element of Becoming More Focused and Precise In Our Goals and Its Hope for Achieving Powerful Results
Raising the Bar, 4 Healthy Eating Ideas I Learned from My Friend Julia, The Element of Becoming More Focused and Precise In Our Goals and Its Hope for Achieving Powerful Results
Pursuing A Dream
No mean achievements, Minoo...what stands out is your determination, disciple,independent thinking, non-conformism...Do wriTE all abt yr telepathic experiences in detail...it wd be fascinating to read. Are you actually allowed to borrow so many books at a time in the US? And a very valid point - experiences are far more to be treasured than things...why wait till the next life to become a vegetarian? Do it NOW!!!! Its the kinder thing to do...with all those books you must have become a financial wizard!
Dear Minoo,
Today I had a chance to read your post. Even though I knew some of the things you wrote about, I also learned new things about you that I didn't know. You are one of a kind!
Minoo, today I had a chance to read your post. Even though I knew some of the things you wrote about, I also learned new things about you. You are one of a kind!
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