Sunday, November 19, 2017

25 Ways You Can Be A Superhero In Someone's Eyes

Maybe you can't climb walls, but here are 25 ways you can be a superhero in someone’s eyes...

1.      When you give up something that’s really hard to give up

2.      By making a sacrifice

3.      When you care for someone whom it is a challenge to care for

4.      By giving your time to something that doesn’t bring you money, name, or status

5.      By reaching out

6.      When you deal with challenges, rather than run away from them

7.      When you are strong at a tough time

8.      When you stand by someone who doesn’t deserve it

9.      By rising above your circumstances

10.                    By forgiving something that’s hard to forgive

11.                    By ignoring naysayers and going for a big goal, by ignoring naysayers and sticking with your commitments

12.                    By doing something amazingly gracious and unexpected

13.                    By putting others first

14.                    By bouncing back from adversity

15.                    By acts of kindness

16.                    By acts of humility

17.                    By acts of daring

18.                    By never giving up hope, in spite of terrible setbacks

19.                    By standing up for the underdog

20.                    By being a joy to be with, in good times and bad

21.                    By defying the odds

22.                    By speaking up against things that are wrong

23.                    By doing the things that no one wants to do

24.                    By not being afraid to be who you are

25.                    By turning a situation around

These are just some of the ways in which you can be a superhero in someone’s eyes.

The gift to inspire, to be an example, is given to you, as it is given to everyone else.

It is up to you to use it.

What can you do today, that will be a shining example to someone else?

It could be something small, just an incredible act of kindness and nobility, or of patience, or forgiveness, or humility.

It could be something big, such as being a powerful light by dealing with tragedy in a positive, meaningful, and uplifting way.

You have it in you to be a superhero in someone’s eyes.

Why waste that priceless privilege!

Start putting your superhero powers to use today.

It could change someone's life.

And, in the process, it will change your life.



Thanks for the feedback, (comments, likes, shares) on my recent posts 25 Things Which Have Made the Biggest  Difference to My Health, Wealth, Comfort and Happiness, Things I Learned I Could Live Without, and How I Went From a Girlie Girl to a Strong, Independent Woman.  I appreciate the affirmations that I am on the right track from old friends and new friends. You keep me going.

NEXT, Thanks to all readers, current and future, for sharing my Journey to Wisdom, Meaning and a Better Life.  Like you, I am trying to find my way through this complex maze we call life, and I am honored to have you share my journey, as I continue to seek the wisdom hidden in plain sight.

FINALLY, A Happy Birthday shout-out: to those with November birthdays. Hope you use your birthday month to unlock the superhero in you. Please don't ever think you are too young or too old or too jaded to be a superhero. It doesn’t take much to show kindness, patience, forgiveness. It doesn’t take much to brighten someone’s day.

P.S. Not sure if you have time, but if you do, you may enjoy these other posts:

The United States of Friendship – Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Part 6,Part 7Part 8Part 9Part 10Part 11Part 12

Managing Your Money
Simplifying Your Life
Getting Over Your Self-Consciousness
Learning to Laugh
Learning to Relax
Pursuing A Dream
  Changing in Good Ways

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Let noble thoughts come to us from every side ....Rig Veda
Minoo, your amazing , brilliantly thought out post is designed to bring out the finest in us!To reach ever expanding frontiers of excellence! You've truly raised the bar and excelled yourself , by laying out a detailed road-map on how to do it!
Congratulations on this !And I reiterate, you are one of the foremost thinkers of this age...