Sunday, August 12, 2018

How To Lead A Good Life – Part 4

Move away from old thinking.

Move towards new thinking.

You are what you are today, as a result of your PAST THINKING.

What you will be, and what you will have tomorrow, will be the result of your CURRENT THINKING/THOUGHTS TODAY.

If your past thinking – your old thinking – has put you in a good place, leave well alone.

You don’t have to do anything.

Keep doing what you are doing.

Stay the course.

If you want to take things up a level, up a notch, then take things up a notch, without doing anything crazy or mindless.

If past thinking, your old thinking, however – has got you into a mess, then it’s time for an overhaul.

You need to clear your mind, and you need to clear your life, so you can make room for fresh thinking.

If your thinking is not serving you well in your current circumstances, take out your imaginary broom. Sweep the mud out of your head.

Throw away all the false ideas, the narcissism, the wasteful thoughts, and throw away all physical and mental crutches.

You cannot have a clear mind with any of these things: 1) pointless, repetitive, negative thoughts 2) alcohol, 3) drugs 4) lack of sleep 5) poor health, 6) lies and deceptions.

Do what you can about these things.

Do what you can about what you have control over.

What you have control over is “YOU”.

You can control what you put into your body, and what you do not put into your body.

You can control how you structure your day.

You can choose to entertain the thoughts, and do the things that will strengthen your mind, body and spirit, or choose to entertain the thoughts, and do the things that will weaken your mind, body and spirit.

You have full control over that.

You can destroy by the thoughts and choices you make.

You can also create, re-create, and reinvent by the choices you make.

What will you choose to do?

Will you choose to be an example of the high maintenance king, or the high maintenance queen – the one who can never grow up emotionally, and is a poster child of PROBLEM PEOPLE?

Or will you choose to be an example of an INSPIRED LIFE, a life lived right, and choices made well.

Remember, the right approach will involve working on yourself, rather than trying to manipulate other people.

Work on your own physical well being, on your own character, on your own personality, on your own circumstances, on your own goals, on your own thoughts, and your own words, and your own actions.

When you do this, things will more likely fall into place, and go the right way.

Give yourself a chance for things to go the right way in your life.

It’s entirely up to you.

It all starts with how you THINK.

Once the epiphany is under way, the next step is to TAKE MASSIVE ACTION in the direction of your new understanding.

As the poem Keeper of the Keys in the book Thinking For a Change says, you are the KEEPER OF THE KEYS. Don’t let those keys rust on the key-chain.

You are the Keeper of the Keys.
You are the Guard at the Gate.
Wating in line to get through that door
is LOVE.  And also HATE.
In line to enter is GENTLE PEACE.
You must choose who may, and who
May not come through that door.
INTOLERANCE tries to sneak on through
On wings of FEAR, or PRIDE.
It hides behind DREAMS of BELONGING,
And tries to sneak inside.
Oh! Be alert! You’re the Guard who decides
Who GOES and who may STAY.
You are The Keeper of The Keys to Your Mind.
Who will you let in today?


Thanks for the feedback, (comments, likes, shares) on Part 1 and 2 of this series. I appreciate the kudos from old friends, new friends, and relatives who have become friends. You keep me going.

NEXT, Thanks to all readers, current and future, for sharing my journey to wisdom, meaning and a better life.  Like you, I am trying to find my way through this complex maze we call life, and I am honored to have you share my journey, as I continue to seek the wisdom hidden in plain sight.

FINALLY, A Happy Birthday shout-out:  to those with August birthdays. Hope you use your birthday month to think of all the ways in which you can clear out old thinking, make way for fresh thinking. Remember you are the Keeper of the Keys to Your Mind.

Have a blessed week, and hope to see you next week.

P.S. Not sure if you have time, but if you do, you may enjoy these other posts:
The United States of Friendship – Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Part 6,Part 7Part 8Part 9Part 10Part 11Part 12

Managing Your Money
Simplifying Your Life
Getting Over Your Self-Consciousness
Learning to Laugh
Learning to Relax
Pursuing A Dream
Changing in Good Ways

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.
Immortal lines by BY WILLIAM ERNEST HENLEY in Invictus.
Well said Minoo...your destiny, your life are the result of how you think!Change your thinking , your behavior, your actions, and you'll change your world!